
Spain: Almazaras de la Subbética S.C.A., Special Food Award of Spain Best EVOOs
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment has awarded the "Best Spanish Foods Extra Virgin Olive Oil Award, 2017-2018 campaign", in its modalities "Frutado Verde Amargo", "Frutado Verde Dulce" and "Frutado Maduro" " Some awards to revalue the highest quality Spanish virgin olive oils, and encourage producers to develop and market these oils. In this edition, the oil that has received the highest organoleptic score, in the blind tasting conducted by the Heads of the different Official Tasting Panels, has been the one presented by the S.C.A. Almazaras de la Subbética, from Carcabuey (Córdoba), which earned the Special Food Award of Spain.