Training: the challenges of the food industry moving into the classroom
by Milagros Jurado
The food industry is one of the main engines…
Initiatives for the restoration of degraded soils in Latin America
The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), have organized a virtual technical forum to present two initiatives aimed at restoring degraded soils developed by international research organizations: the Centre International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD, for its acronym in French) and the World Resources Institute (WRI, for its acronym in English).
Spain Food Awards 2016 are betting on innovation and participation of youth and women
The call 2016 of the "Food Awards of Spain", published by the Ministry of agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) in the Official Gazette (BOE), will continue to pursue innovation and valuable and recognizable youth and women participation in agribusiness, keeping the Accésit "Food of Spain to Entrepreneurship", a novelty introduced in the previous edition.
Globalcaja supports the Purple Garlic Fair, in its commitment to internationalization
Globalcaja supports the strong commitment to the internationalization of the Fair Las Pedroñeras Purple Garlic, that more edition retells the sponsorship and the presence of this bank.
Fruit and fashion join by means of ‘Watermelon Fashion’ and Agatha Ruiz de la Prada
Agatha Ruiz de la Prada and Watermelon Fahion have been involved in the establishment of the first, located at number 27 Calle Serrano, in the "summer event", in which fruit and fashion are joined by means of Watermelon Fashion', whose labeling has been renovated by the famous designer.
The fruit and vegetable cooperative Group, the race against childhood cancer
The cooperative of fruits and vegetables The Group, in the town of Granada Castell de Ferro, will hold this Saturday July 30th the third edition of its career under the slogan "We run Cancer infatil", which will bring together more than 300 athletes and where will participate Fermin Cacho, champion in 1.500 meters at the Barcelona Olympics of 1992. Proceeds of registration (3 € for all categories) will be donated to the Spanish Federation of Parents of Children with Cancer.
Covirán Foundation announces the Award to promote research and healthy nutrition
The Covirán Foundation has announced its first award, aimed at promoting research and healthy nutrition, distinguishing the unique idea or product made from fruit and / or vegetables. The overall budget for the best proposal for this event will amount to 12,000 euros.
Top level speakers to discuss the impact of ‘Brexit’ in the Andalusian agro-food sector
High-level speakers as Tomas Garcia Azcarate, researcher at the Institute of Economics, Geography and Demography of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), and Professor of Economics at the University of Sevilla, Jose Carlos Diez, will give content to a day in which will discuss the effects of 'Brexit' in the Andalusian agro-food sector. Will take place on Monday, July 25, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, in collaboration with the Cajasol Foundation, based in Seville will host this event.
DAM demonstrates the feasibility of recycling waste water for agricultural use
The company Water Purification Mediterranean (DAM) has recently presented at Conference in Valencia, the conclusions of its PHORWater project, confirming the viability of extracting phosphorus from wastewater and reuse as fertilizer in the agricultural sector.
DEUTZ-FAHR presents its new generation of tractors in Dresden
The DEUTZ-FAHR firm has recently introduced in the German city of Dresden the new generation of tractors of the Series 6 and 7, with his new project DEUTZ-FAHR Arena, currently under construction in Lauingen and whose works will be completed by early 2017. This great event has provided the opportunity to more than 1.000 dealers and more than 110 journalists from 28 countries, to see live and on the field as the most innovative technology tractors 'Made in Germany' works.