Phil Hogan and Isabel García Tejerina, at the opening of the Third International Forum Porcino
European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Phil Hogan, and the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, open the Third International Forum Porcino, organized by the Interprofesiona Organization Porcine Whitecloak (INTERPORC), which will be held on October 14th, at the Hotel Villa Magna in Madrid under the slogan "the strength of a leader".

Spain, the European leader in industries that export pork to China
After a long negotiation process, which dates back to June 2015, China's health authorities have extended the authorization to export pigmeat, legs and hands to five new Spanish settlements. With this inclusion, the list of authorized Spanish industries expands to 26, making Spain the European country with the largest number of approved establishments, ahead of countries like Germany, Denmark and France.

The meat industry analyzes with concern the effects of ‘Bréxit’ in its sector
Group Processed of the National Association of Meat Industries of Spain (ANICE), which brings together the main Spanish manufacturers of meat products, has expressed its concern about the possible impact that the departure of the United Kingdom of the European Union ('Brexit') can have on the Spanish meat sector. The new legal and commercial situation, the depreciation of the pound and the new framework for future trade relations with the British Isles are emerging as some of the causes which may affect the good figures of the Spanish meat exports to this country.

EC allocates 500 million euros to support measures for the dairy sector
The European Commission has adopted a third package of measures to support the dairy sector, worth 500 million euros, in the Council of Agriculture Ministers held on July 18th, which, as stressed the Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Isabel García Tejerina, collects all the requests that Spain has been raised to Brussels in recent months, to alleviate the critical situation being experienced by farmers in dairy cattle.

Spain will be immediately able to export beef, sheep and goats meat to Saudi Arabia
Spain will be immediately able to export beef, sheep and goats meat to the Kingdom of Saudi Araba, after formal authorization issued by the health authorities of this country, where good quality of Spanish meat products stand out. Such authorization comes after a long period of intensive negotiations between the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Food Safety Authority Arabia (SFDA).

Mexico opens its borders to the Spanish pork
The Spanish meat industry has valued the opening of the Mexican market to its production of pigmeat, as manifested from the Office of Export Meat Spain (OEEC). Spain thus becomes the first country in the European Union authorized to export pig meat to Mexico.

MAGRAMA and INLAC address the second phase of the campaign to encourage the consumption of dairy
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) and the Interprofessional Organization Way (INLAC) have begun the second phase of the promotion campaign "Dairy here every day" to encourage consumption of milk and milk products, it will run until the end of September. The objective of this action is to introduce the variety and importance of dairy products in a balanced diet.

Spain: Incentives EC to the voluntary reduction of milk production
Spain will ask the European Commission for incentives to farmers who voluntarily reduced their milk production, as reported by the CEO of Productions and Agricultural Markets, Fernando Miranda, who estimated that the measure is help contain further milk production.

Mexico started exporting livestock products and poultry products to Cuba
As a result of the recent official visit to Cuba -from head of the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA), José Calzada Rovirosa-, where he met with the ministers of Agriculture Gustavo Rodriguez Rollero- of Food industry -Maria del Carmen Concepcion Gonzalez and Rodrigo Malmierca Foreign Trade Diaz- Mexican producers may export beef and veal, pigs, sheep and goats and dairy, egg and poultry products.

The Spanish Jose Antonio Garcia Regueiro, new president of the Technical Group on Nutrition and Health CLITRAVI
The Spanish researcher, Jose Antonio Garcia Regueiro, has been elected Chairman of the Working Group on Nutrition and Health of CLITRAVI, a proposal from the Confederation of Business Organizations in the meat sector in Spain (CONFECARNE). The activity of that group focuses on scientific monitoring, data analysis on the role of meat in feeding and recovery of meat and meat products. CLITRAVI is the organization, based in Brussels, which represents the interests of more than 13,000 European meat industry.