Parliament calls restrict the use of antibiotics in livestock
The use of existing veterinary antibiotics should be limited, while the development of new products is encouraged, to combat the growing resistance of bacteria to antimicrobial drugs, according to the Parliament. In ruling on the proposed changes to Community legislation on veterinary medicines, the Chamber requested that the collective and preventive treatment of animals is prohibited, and supported boost research into new medicines.

Peru lifts up trade barriers to US beef
The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation establishes specific health requirements mandatory for imports of meat and edible offal chilled or frozen bovine compliance from the United States (US).

The promotion of lamb in Alimentaria 2016
INTEROVIC participate very actively in the next edition of the fair. It will do so with its own stand and through actions that will release the operation of the “Extension of Norma”, which makes possible the financing of the sector in the promotion campaign of lamb, which this year begins its second year. It will also be presented within the framework of the International Fair all actions planned this 2016, with the focus on training the canal, new TV spot and performances at the point of sale.

The Spanish pork is promoted in Mexico
According to the internationalization plan for the promotion of Spanish pork white layer outside our borders, INTERPORC takes place during the month of March a series of actions in Mexico.

Advanced fat olive oil for healthier sausages and chocolates
Six Spanish companies, led by the Andalusian company Oil South-Coosur (ACESUR Group), working on the development of a new generation of advanced fats that allows to offer healthier foods by replacing highly saturated fats.

Spanish Government calls for more commitment to meet the Dairy Agreement
The Ministry of Agriculture moved to livestock organizations, industry and commercial distribution adhering to the pact the need to strengthen the implementation of commitments. The MAGRAMA stresses the importance of making progress in the structuring of the production sector to have greater bargaining power and improve revenues. In late March a second report on the Dairy Agreement will be published.

Uruguay prepares meat exports to Argentina
The president of the Union of Exporters of Cattle (UEGP) of Uruguay, Alejandro Dutra, said private industry in that country expect in the first week of March to start work on the assembly of the first exports of cattle beef foot to Argentina.

Spain: Cheese and Extra Virgin olive oil: a perfect combination
Two foods with thousands of years of history behind it. Two elements without someone can not understand our cuisine. Cheese and extra virgin olive oil contain, in themselves, the DNA of the Mediterranean Diet. They are two of the cornerstones on which our food tradition built.

Consumption of lamb discussed in Seminar II INTEROVIC
More than 100 attendees at the conference, in which the progress and next steps were discussed to secure the reversal of lamb consumption in Spain INTEROVIC request in Brussels in 2018, the lamb is a priority product in their promotion policies because of declining production and consumption in the EU.

Livestock Forum analyzes the state of animal health
From 10 to 12 May 2016, the Gran Via de Fira de Barcelona will host Livestock Forum, an international forum to support the improvement of livestock production in an initiative that aims to provide a cross section and updated technology and processes that are carried out at present to achieve the optimization of production through animal health to ensure self-sufficiency. Livestock holding Forum fills a gap in the calendar of exhibition or congress events dedicated to livestock as it is the first forum designed to provide a comprehensive response to the challenges of this sector.