European campaign for the benefit of livestock and meat
Cooperatives and farmers has launched a key to highlight the many benefits of the livestock sector and meat from the EU for growth and employment, the dynamism of rural areas and a balanced diet campaign. Demanding production requirements that European producers must comply.

TTIP: Livestock EU clears no future in negotiation
The next rounds of negotiations between the European Union and the United States to sign the Transatlantic Agreement for Trade and Investment (TTIP by its acronym in English) will mark the future of the European livestock sector. The initial approach of both delegations is to keep their livestock production regulations.

Mexico opens the door to fresh meat of swine Spanish
Spain thus becomes the first country in the European Union (EU) authorized to export pig meat to Mexico, after a long process of negotiation with the health authorities of this country, and as a result of successful efforts undertaken by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) and the Ministry of Commerce.

EU: A Spanish horse farm, award “Best Young Sustainable”
In the III European Congress of Young Farmers held today at the Community capital they have unveiled the winners of the European contest "Innovative Young Farmer" in this its third edition has returned to a Spanish representative among the winners. Alicia Garcia Pardo, a cattle Madrid 38 years has won the "Best Young Sustainable" award in a final to projects that have come from 14 EU countries.

Beef farmers against climate change
The ambitious European project Life-Beef Carbon's primary goal is to identify, demonstrate and disseminate good innovative practices in farm to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of beef by 15% by 2025. The Life-Beef Carbon project was selected as a Agricultural six strategic actions of the Action Agenda Lima-Paris Climate Change Conference COP 21 in Paris.

Spain: The meat industry continues to party
The Spanish meat industry continues to grow abroad. In 2015, it exported 1.95 million tons worth 4,844 million euros worldwide. The sector accounts for 13% of industrial GDP of the country and more than 21% of the turnover and employment in the food industry. At the event, I have given the ANICE Awards in five categories: "Business Trajectory", "Friends of the Flesh," "Jose Flores Innovation", "Food and Health" and "Sustainability and Environment".

Spanish pig sector looks to export. Miguel Ángel Higuera
Spanish pig sector supporting an unprecedented crisis since the…

Spain: A dismal year without milk quotas
On the first anniversary of the removal of milk quotas balance is disastrous, according to COAG: prices ruin the farmer, mass closure of farms, industries that "negotiate" based on blackmail and those who are seated in the large centers of production collection routes abandoned while leading imports. In addition, the agricultural organization qualifies political leaders unable to resolve the situation.

Uruguay: The use of ethion is suspended after meat detected by US
The Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay (MGAP) announced the temporary suspension of the pesticide and antiparasitic etión livestock use, following the detection of traces of this substance by US authorities on meat shipments destined for that country.

Convened a new Award for Research around egg products
The Institute of Egg Studies (IEH) has announced the twentieth edition of the Research Prize for completed jobs or projects any of the following topics: egg composition, quality of eggs and egg products, use and consumption of egg and egg products or sustainability in the production of eggs and egg products. The prize, worth 10,000 euros, will be presented at the ceremony commemorating the World Egg Day, celebrated in October.