Luis Planas gives the keys to the future of the dairy sector
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in operation, Luis Planas, said Wednesday in his visit to dairy cooperatives in Galicia, that the future of the dairy sector is to increase value, export and generational change.

“The cattle woman must take a step forward, make our work visible”
On November 27, Rosario Arredondo, dairy cattle rancher, assumed the position of president of the Interprofessional of the dairy sector, InLac, being the first woman to occupy this position.

UPA asks for a transparent and honest labeling that indicates the origin of the milk
The small Spanish milk producers today expressed their anger over the new attack received this week on dairy products, this time in the form of a study published by a British specialized media that has achieved a great impact in Spain.

UPA defends the direct sale of raw milk “with all the guarantees”
The Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers has positioned itself in favor of the direct sale of raw milk by Spanish livestock farms. The recent approval of a decree that regulates this practice in Catalonia has aroused the interest of the entire livestock sector and also certain doubts on the part of consumers in relation to this product.

The president of FINUT reiterates the importance of dairy products on World Milk Day
Proteins are one of the pillars of nutrition. The body needs to be facilitated through food because it can not generate them by itself. The quantity to be supplied varies according to the needs of each organism. Children in the growth phase, pregnant women or athletes are among the groups with the greatest need for them, although they are also necessary in cases like our elders, since it is an essential element for a good general functioning of our organism, at any age and in any situation.

Spain: the pressure of the dairy industry threatens the existence of 25% of dairy sheep farms
25% of the Spanish farms of sheep of milk could close in 2018, due to the strong pressures that big dairy industries are transferring to the farmers. Both the prices that these companies are offering to the producers, and the conditions of the contracts put, as denounced by the agrarian organization UPA, in "serious risk of disappearance" to many farms.

FERCAM rewards the eight best manchego cheese of 2017
The competition of quality that celebrates the National Fair of the Field in Manzanares (FERCAM), that with 29 editions is one of the most prestigious and valued of the sector, has awarded the eight best manchego cheeses of the year in its different categories. Thus, in the section of curados and semi-cured, respectively, cheeses "Diaz Miguel" and "Montescusa" are imposed in the industrial category, while "Marantona" and "Chisquero" do in the artisanal.

Inlac initiates a campaign that promotes the consumption of three dairy products per day as the basis of a healthy diet
The Interprofessional Organization that encompasses the entire Spanish dairy sector, Inlac, has presented on 14th June a campaign aimed at improving the knowledge and perception of dairy products, whose consumption, despite being essential elements for a balanced diet, it does not at present reach the necessary amounts for a correct feeding. Through rigorous information, which bases its messages on the work of a Scientific Committee composed of experts of recognized prestige, this initiative seeks to promote among the Spanish population the intake of at least three dairy a day, and has the support the EU and MAPAMA.

InLac agreement with the Xunta to promote the consumption of dairy products in a healthy diet
The Health Council of the Xunta de Galicia and the Milk Interprofessional (InLac) have signed a framework agreement to promote the consumption of milk and dairy products as basic elements of healthy eating and have expressed their concern about the decrease in ingestion Of these foods among the Galician population.

InLac urges further progress in the Value Chain Agreement for the milk sector
InLac, an interprofessional organization that encompasses the entire dairy sector, urges to continue making progress in the Stability and Sustainability of the Value Chain in the milk sector, for which it has requested the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, to make an effort to define more clearly and concretely the concept of sustainability in the dairy sector.