Spain presents the capacity to the fishing of bluefin tuna in 2016
The European country will have 3,534 tons of bluefin tuna to capture this season. The fishing opportunities for the Spanish fleet increased by 19.53%, 577 more than in 2015. All types of fishing, comprising 315 vessels and traps, see this increase reflected tonnes. The modalities of canaries pole-and-catch of artisanal Strait and the Mediterranean, the most artisanal fleets will see increased its share by a greater amount.

Chilean shelled walnuts may export to the Chinese market
Chinese consumers will already know the benefits of walnuts in shell Chilean. This follows the signing of formalizing access product shape in Beijing, the Agriculture Minister Carlos Furche, and the head of the General Administration of Quality Inspection and Quarantine of the PRC (AQSIQ) , Zhi Shuping, attended by President Chilenut, Juan Luis Vial, and the chairman of Chilean Walnut Comission, Andrés Rodríguez.

Matthijs van Bonzel: “Farmers have to keep competitiveness where is possible and cooperation where is necessary”
The Ambassador of the Netherlands in Spain, Johannes Hendrik Mattheus (Matthijs) von Bonzel, speaks mainly on the union of interests between Spain and his country, with regard to horticultural and logistics angels, in the following interview. Being the Government of Amsterdam which presides the first half the European Union (EU), it is advisable to know his lips the achievements of the successful Dutch organizational model in this sector, the large capacity of re-export, in particular, the nexus of trade union and distribution to Latin America.
eComercio Agrario: What are the keys to explain the success of the horticultural model of the Netherlands?

EU lifts meat export restriction on the northern border of Argentina
The Agribusiness Minister, Ricardo Buryaile, predicted that the European Union will raise "the restriction on the northern border" for Argentina meat during the next half of this year, and considered that the measure will benefit producers of Chaco, Corrientes, Salta and Formosa.

Spain: new technologies for modernizing crop irrigation
The future of new irrigation and modernization of agriculture go through the introduction of new technologies, which are "key" to the development of rural areas, as they have all agreed participants in the conference "Modernization and new irrigation" in Agroexpo fair (Don Benito, Spain

Ecuador: The microalgae potential under study
The Energy Research Corporation of Ecuador is dedicated to deepen the benefits of microalgae, with help from the University of the Americas (UDLA). Currently they are investigating the functionality of microalgae as a potential source of clean, alternative energy. The researchers aim to discover new applications future, not only of microalgae, but other plants that improve the quality of life of people.

Mexico: Fishing for tuna in the Pacific has already begun
The government has given free rein to start from January 18 the 2016 fishing season for the different species of tuna in the Pacific Ocean, ending on November 18 of this year. Through the National Commission of Aquaculture and Fisheries (CONAPESCA) in coordination with the National Fisheries Institute (INAPESCA), the ban applies to protect productive periods of the commercial species of tuna. In the last 10 years there has been an average production of 138,632 tonnes of tuna, with an average growth rate of 1.48%.

The Coffee Route of El Salvador, award “Gourmet Excellencies” in FITUR
The Coffee Route is the new tourism product of the Salvadoran Tourism Corporation (CORSATUR), with attracting European tourists motivated by the experience that is offered through coffee linked to the process of blending nature activities and destinations with the cultural history. Tourism Minister Jose Napoleon Duarte Duran, has received the award, presented by the Excelencias Group in Madrid Spain, within the framework of the 36th International Tourism Fair (FITUR), which ends this January 24.

Spain: FEPEX works in production, quality, promotion, markets and trade policy in 2016
FEPEX will act in several areas involving their producers and exporters of fruits and vegetables. In production, will work to improve the availability of plant protection products. In quality, we will work to minimize the negative consequences of the proliferation of private production protocols. In trade policy, FEPEX maintain an offensive posture in the case of trade negotiations with non-EU countries with high purchasing power. The fair Fruit Attraction will be the main measure of promotion. Fruits and vegetables already account for 66% of Spanish agricultural output and exports grew by 10%.

Chile: FIA prioritizes to innovation in sustainable agriculture
A total of 30 national initiatives call for "Research and Innovation Projects in sustainable agriculture" have been approved by the Council of FIA. The contest was aimed at the management of natural, productive and technological resources in a sustainable manner, enabling them to face the changes in the behavior of the climatic variables that affect structurally to farming, agrifood and forestry sector.