EU: saving water and energy, the challenges of agricultural irrigation
In a context in which the irrigation electricity bill has soared 1,000% in the past eight years in Spain, what impact will the creation of the trans-European energy network is developing the European Union? The answers to this and other questions at the Technical FENACORE Day on 31 March in Madrid.

Rural women, strategic to manage risk in climate change
Incorporate the gender perspective is strategic in addressing food and nutrition security, climate change and risk management, because it allows us to contemplate differently the needs and interests of women and men, to propose realistic solutions and reduce gaps development and progress towards gender equality and equity. These are the conclusions of a web seminar IICA.

The Panama Canal transit will be limited the effects of El Niño
The Canal Authority will limit Panamáinformó from April 18 the draft of vessels transiting the waterway. The measure is due to the drought caused by El Niño, which maintains extremely low levels in the two artificial lakes that feed the canal, lakes Gatun and Alhajuela.

Peru: Aquaculture generated more than 100,000 jobs in 2015
This sector is a major source of opportunities and development. That aquaculture has become in our country, according to figures from Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Ministry of Production (Produce), Juan Carlos Requejo, has created more than 102,000 jobs over the past year.

Uruguay: The use of ethion is suspended after meat detected by US
The Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay (MGAP) announced the temporary suspension of the pesticide and antiparasitic etión livestock use, following the detection of traces of this substance by US authorities on meat shipments destined for that country.

The European tomato marked by the price crisis
Cooperatives Agro-alimentary of Spain and member organizations of the Joint Committee take stock of the terrible campaign tomato and seek support from the EU. From September 2015 to February 2016 there has been a drop in revenue in the sector of 11% and a price decrease of 17%.

Spanish technology greenhouse cross the Mediterranean
The Technology Centre is present in Africa to work on greenhouse technology. Framed within a reverse trade mission Egyptians to know the sector of agricultural auxiliary industry and how the Almeria agriculture model, Tecnova has signed a collaboration agreement to work on common lines of action to improve the technological conditions in agriculture in Egypt entrepreneurs.

Cuba: Obama brings a new phase of relations looms
The US president, Barack Obama, has already landed in Havana. It is a historic official visit. It´s almost 90 years ago that a leader of that country was not above the island. The event occurs after deciding both governments restore diplomatic relations after more than 50 years of break.

WWD: Irrigated area increased by 8.7% in 15 years
On World Water Day, the Technology Platform for Sustainable Agriculture (SEF) adds value irrigated Spanish model as a way to ensure food supplies. Given the growing world population, irrigation has proven to be essential to ensure supplies of staples tool. In Spain, irrigation accounts for about 15% of the total area cultivated and almost 60% of national agricultural final production.

The agreement between Spain and Portugal promises to expand
The Luso-Spanish Fisheries Committee has welcomed the commitment that sets standards both fleets access to inland waters of the two countries and border agreements Minho and Guadiana. It has also proposed extending the duration of the Agreement of 2 to 10 years