EU works with the transport sector to reduce GHG emissions
European ministers of the areas of Environment and Transport analyze the future of transport in Europe and technological innovation as an opportunity to improve the environment and energy efficiency of fuels and vehicles. The goal is to work together to achieve further reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in both sectors.

EU: A Spanish horse farm, award “Best Young Sustainable”
In the III European Congress of Young Farmers held today at the Community capital they have unveiled the winners of the European contest "Innovative Young Farmer" in this its third edition has returned to a Spanish representative among the winners. Alicia Garcia Pardo, a cattle Madrid 38 years has won the "Best Young Sustainable" award in a final to projects that have come from 14 EU countries.

Spain and China: a deal to export stone fruit to the Far East
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Spanish Environment signed in Beijing, the Protocol of Phytosanitary Requirements to open the Chinese market for Spanish exports plum, peach, nectarine and Paraguay, closing the long process of negotiation between the MAGRAMA and phytosanitary services and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of Quality of RP Beijing China (AQSIQ its acronym in English).

Spain has three stronger cooperatives
Associative Entity Priority is the spearhead of the food industry. The AN Group is a strong, diversified and well-sized cooperative example, as Ovispain and DCOOP, the other two groups that are part of this official figure who drives a professionalized cooperative model with relevant to produce and market global dimension and therefore generate more value, employment and wealth.

Mexico: All agreement on modernize rules on fisheries and aquaculture
Federal legislators from the various party factions, members of the Committee on Fisheries of the Chamber of Deputies, to meet with the authorities of CONAPESCA acknowledged their willingness to work with the Legislature and expressed their interest to modernize and adapt laws that support or promote development of the national fisheries.

Latin America: Innovation and sustainability, economic centers for the development of agriculture
Under the IX International Forum on innovation for sustainable agriculture in Latin America, renowned speakers will talk about the economic challenges of the region and innovation as an essential way for development.

OECD consensus seeks to achieve a more productive and sustainable global food system
The aim of the Ministerial Meeting on Agriculture in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is to achieve a consensus among the ministers on the principles of agricultural policies to achieve a new policy paradigm for agriculture and feeding the world.

Victor G. Sarabia Molina: “Peru brand can differentiate in versatility, safety and quality for fruits and vegetables”
Exports director of the Department of Agribusiness PROMPERÚ stopped at Fruit Logistica to attend the exclusive interview of e-Comercio Agrario. If there is a sector that has grown in export order is the niche of fruits and vegetables a distinguished international supplier low Peru brand for its versatility supply, product liability quality and differentiation.

TEN-energy: imagination to reduce huge irrigation costs
Spanish irrigators resort to creative ways to meet the superlatives electrical costs of its modern facilities. FENACORE calls on the authorities to promote the trans-European energy network, as a first step towards a common energy market in buying and selling energy.

Mexico: Agri-food exports have no limit
Foreign sales recorded growth of 26.6% in February. The value of agricultural exports reached $ 506.6 billion. Products with the largest annual increases were: onions and garlic, tomato and shellfish, fresh strawberries, peppers, fresh vegetables, and avocados.