Leaked TTIP negotiations
The latest leaks on the opaque process of negotiations on the…

Spain: Cooperatives calls for improvements in the management tools of EU crisis
The European Commission took the first step for the adoption of a regulation to regulate the exceptional measures for fruit and vegetables from June 30 and for one year. These measures, which will give continuity to those in force today, respond to repeated requests from, oblivious to geopolitical tensions between the EU and Russia, but main victim, and the administrations of the major producing countries European fruit and vegetable sector.

Brave policies for sustaining fisheries in the Mediterranean sea
Spain has invited the countries bordering the Mare Nostrum and the European Government to take "bold steps" to promote sustainable fisheries management in those waters, which impact the benefit of fishing communities. His thesis argues for tighter regulation of the effort exerted by recreational fishing, the establishment of new protected areas and the increase in the reduction effort aimed at the most sensitive fleets.

European campaign for the benefit of livestock and meat
Cooperatives and farmers has launched a key to highlight the many benefits of the livestock sector and meat from the EU for growth and employment, the dynamism of rural areas and a balanced diet campaign. Demanding production requirements that European producers must comply.

Mercosur celebrates 25 years
Today is celebrated in the Mercosur building in Montevideo and with the presence of the President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, Dr. Tabare Vazquez, the seminar "Reflections and Challenges 25 years after the signing of the Treaty of Asuncion".

In the trade negotiations Mercosur-EU, time of suspicion
In the event organized by the COPA-COGECA and European trade organization CELCAA, in which representatives from the Member States and the European Commission, Spanish Agrifood Cooperatives has expressed reservations for a likely increase in concessions they can be offered by the Commission in the agricultural sector, especially in the livestock sectors such as pork, beef and poultry, as well as other Mediterranean products, such as garlic and orange juice.

Spain: Farmers have more time to apply for CAP support
The Ministry of Agriculture extended the deadline until May 15 to apply for aid from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the 2016 campaign and the Magrama attends to the request of some autonomous regions and sectors concerned.

TTIP: Livestock EU clears no future in negotiation
The next rounds of negotiations between the European Union and the United States to sign the Transatlantic Agreement for Trade and Investment (TTIP by its acronym in English) will mark the future of the European livestock sector. The initial approach of both delegations is to keep their livestock production regulations.

Mexico opens the door to fresh meat of swine Spanish
Spain thus becomes the first country in the European Union (EU) authorized to export pig meat to Mexico, after a long process of negotiation with the health authorities of this country, and as a result of successful efforts undertaken by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) and the Ministry of Commerce.

Peru elections: Keiko Fujimori takes lead in the first round
Peru by a wide margin over their politicians wing left adversaries,…