Spain: More time to apply for aid from CAP 2016
Spanish farmers have until June 15 to apply for aid from the Common Agricultural Policy 2016. The Spanish government campaign serves the request of the autonomous regions and sectors concerned to facilitate the submission of its application to all farmers who may be beneficiaries of them.

Mexico: rising exports of berries
Over 50 years EF Schumacher, economist and thinker born in Germany, I think a partnership in the UK called Intermediate Technology Development Group (Group for the development of intermediate technologies), based on his book published in 1973, Small is beautiful ( small is beautiful), whose objectives were to publicize the virtues of micro enterprises that generate their own income without flaunting it. Any resemblance to the undertaking of strawberries is just a coincidence.

PMA Fresh Connections 2016
More than 200 producers in the central and western Mexico, met in the Polyforum of Leon, Guanajuato, in the event organized on 11 and 12 May by the Produce Marketing Association (PMA), to establish new contacts and listen to a panel of experts who spoke about market opportunities, risks and the need to share experiences to be more competitive.

XIV General Assembly of COAG
The Coordinator of Organizations of Farmers and Ranchers (COAG) will hold its XIV General Assembly at the Marriot Hotel Auditorium Madrid on 20 and 21 May. Two days to take advantage of the more than 200 delegates from the different regional unions integrated into COAG to discuss the present and the future of agriculture, and elect the Secretary General and members of the State Executive Committee that during the next four years, they represent the interests of social and professional model of agriculture that defends this organization.

Jalisco no te rajes¡
In the last ten years, the State of Jalisco -recognized worldwide for being the land of mariachi and tequila has become one of the major players in the agricultural sector in Mexico. Its share of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the national agricultural sector, already reaches 12% and occupies the first places in the production of corn, milk, egg, pork and of course tequilana blue agave, with which it is made the famous tequila, one of the main agricultural exports of this country that has more than 42 existing trade agreements.

Spain: Significant reductions in personal income tax modules
This standard contains the proposals of the Ministry of Agriculture in view of the exceptional circumstances affecting the profitability of many farms in 2015. In this context, farmers will find themselves with new products that pose an attenuation of the tax burden. Thus, reductions at national level for milk cattle, rabbits, ranching, olive products, tomato and citrus are contemplated.

Immersing in anchovy research
The official Spanish oceanographic vessel "Emma Bardan" started in the port of Pasajes (Euskadi), the research campaign Bioman 2016, held in conjunction with the oceanographic ship Ramon Margalef Institute of Oceanography Spanish and ending the day May 27 at the port of departure. The results of the campaign will allow the status of the stock and its forecasts.

Europe Day
Each May 9 Europe Day is celebrated, a day to remember that on that same day in 1950 Robert Schuman, the then French Foreign Minister, laid the foundations of the European Union under two basic principles: peace and solidarity. Throughout all this week and having as peak on Saturday, May 9, many activities are held throughout Spain.

New president for Fedefruta
The agricultural entrepreneur and business leader, Ramon Achurra Larrain, is the new president of the National Federation of Fruit Producers of Chile, Fedefruta, then the election process guild that chose its policy for the next two years, after finishing the period 2014 -2016 Carolus Brown headed by Juan Bauza.

Spain: AICA, a stronghold of the food chain
Information Agency and Food Control (AICA) works to serve the whole sector to ensure compliance with the law of the food chain, a pioneer in the European Union standard and an example to follow by other Member States. Spain is a leader in Europe in regulation and monitoring of the food chain.