IICA and SAGARPA work in reviving the coffee sector of Mexico
The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) is collaborating with the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) of Mexico, in developing an initiative for reviving the coffee sector in this country. The main objective of this proposal is to improve productivity and, by extension, the living conditions of small producers of grain.

Mexico opens its borders to the Spanish pork
The Spanish meat industry has valued the opening of the Mexican market to its production of pigmeat, as manifested from the Office of Export Meat Spain (OEEC). Spain thus becomes the first country in the European Union authorized to export pig meat to Mexico.

AVA-ASAJA warns of serious damage to the rice crop if the EU bans tricyclazole
The Valencian Farmers Association (AVA-ASAJA) has urged the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) to firmly defend the maintenance of Tricyclazole, the most effective way to combat the fungus Pyricularia wreaking havoc in the paddies product and whose future will debate the EU shortly. The Valencian Association warns of serious harm if eventually it is decided to prohibit their use.

Tejerina says the TTIP will benefit economically to Spain and will create jobs
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, has expressed his conviction that the Transatlantic Trade Agreement and Investment (TTIP) between the European Union and the United States will bring benefits for the Spanish economy and will be a source of job creation.

Sheep production starring a discussion forum in Uruguay
The Uruguayan Wool Secretariat (SUL) will organize the next 1st and 2nd August, at the Radisson Montevideo, the International Seminar on Sheep Production. A discussion forum in which to reflect and exchange information related to sheep production sector in this South American country, addressing its origins, present and future challenges it faces as a representative to keep farming.

Brazil and Paraguay export good agricultural practices and the latest technology against desertification
The NGO Practical Action has organized, with the support of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), through the Integral Project Water Management in Family Agriculture (GIAAF), the virtual course "Best practices and technological innovations in planting and water harvesting ". Its purpose, disseminate successful experiences of Brazil and Paraguay on the management of soil, water and vegetation cover as a way to mitigate the effects of drought and combat desertification.

Europe grants a temporary extension of the use of glyphosate
The European Commission has announced on Wednesday 29th, in a press release, the decision to extend the authorization of the use of glyphosate for a period of 18 months. Thus, the controversial herbicide may be used until the end of 2017, despite resistance from some EU member countries.

Asoex expressed caution about future effects of ‘Brexit’
The president of the Association of Fruit Exporters of Chile (Asoex), Ronald Brown, has expressed caution about the future implications of the departure of the United Kingdom of the European Union, considering that "it is still premature to visualize the immediate effects of this decision for exports of Chilean fruit ".

Chilean fruit exports begin their route to China and Vietnam
The Agriculture and Livestock Service of the Chilean Government (SAG) and the Association of Fruit Exporters of Chile (ASOEX) are immersed in a negotiating process to export fruit to China and Vietnam, which have already taken some significant steps. Thus, a public-private mission has approached the phytosanitary authorities of both countries to lay the groundwork for future business relationships that facilitate the entry of Chilean fruit.

Spain: Concern and uncertainty in the fruit and vegetable sector by the ‘yes’ to the Brexit
The 'Yes' by citizenship on leaving the United Kingdom of the European Union (Brexit) has generated a climate of concern and uncertainty among the Spanish fruit and vegetable sector, since this country is the third largest market for Spanish exports of fruit and fresh vegetables, with 1.1 million tons, according to the Spanish Federation of Producers and Exporters of Fruits, vegetables, Flowers and live Plants (FEPEX). A figure which represents 11.4% of total exports in 2015, worth 1,614 million euros.