MAPAMA promotes the commercial contacts of Spanish companies in BIOFACH 2017
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment promoted these days, from 15th to 18th February, the Spanish organic products in the Fair BIOFACH 2017, through an institutional stand in which, apart from showing the richness and diversity of the sector, under the motto "Ecological products: good for nature, good for you", Spanish companies will be able to work their business contacts and expand their portfolio of international clients, in the two areas of professional meetings enabled for this purpose.

The salons of wine, oil and fruits and vegetables start with good forecasts
The exhibiting firms present at the international wine, oil and fruit and vegetable lounges (ENOMAQ, TECNOVID, OLEOMAQ, OLEOTEC and FRUYVER), which are held at the Zaragoza fairgrounds, concur that the sector shows signs of recovery. Visitors from all over the world have found, at Feria de Zaragoza, the biggest technological offer in the wine, olive and horticultural industry, consolidating itself as the most innovative edition of these events.

AGRARIA 2017 says goodbye with a total influx of more than 30,000 visitors
The fifth edition of AGRARIA, the agricultural machinery biennial organized by the Feria de Valladolid, closes its doors after four days of intense activity in which more than 30,000 visitors have registered with a professional trajectory linked to the primary sector

Bayer hosts an expert forum on Fruit Logistics to discuss the challenges of the fruit and vegetable sector
Bayer has participated in Fruit Logística 2017, held in Berlin, through a forum of experts in which it has analyzed and debated on the challenges and opportunities of the production of fruits and vegetables in Europe. Through this initiative, Bayer is firmly committed to the association of all parts of the food chain to meet the needs of consumers.

PROEXPORT intensifies its commercial activity in Fruit Logística 2017 to increase its share of business
The inauguration of the Fruit Logística 2017 fair in Berlin has provided an intense commercial activity for the horticultural exporters of the Region of Murcia, represented in the stand of the Murcia Association of Producers-Exporters of Fruits and Vegetables (PROEXPORT). Thus, as PROEXPORT director Fernando P. Gómez Molina explains, "we have hosted multiple meetings with the objective of reaching all our customers the interest of the Region of Murcia to meet our commitments to meet the demand we are receiving, as a result of the cold wave that has affected horticultural crops throughout Europe and Murcia is one of the few areas that has been saved, attracting the interest of supermarket chains and intermediaries in the agricultural business".

Tejerina announces the celebration in Madrid of a conference on the CAP, which will be attended by Phil Hogan
During the opening ceremony of the 5th edition of the "Agraria" fair in Valladolid, on February 8th, the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, announced the celebration in Madrid on 27th and 28th March, a conference on the CAP, which will be attended by EU Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan. In that line, García Tejerina has assured that the Government is already working to "achieve a strong CAP, well endowed economically and adapted to our needs".

Aguilera calls for a CAP wich solves the deregulation of the European agri-food sector
Socialist MEP and Vice-President of the European Parliament's Agriculture Committee, Clara Aguilera, has called for a reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to end one of the main problems of the European agri-food sector, deregulation, in the course of a day celebrated the 3th of February in the Valencian Association of Farmers (AVA-ASAJA).

EU: Rules to protect European banana against possible rise in Ecuadorian imports
On 2nd February, the European Parliament adopted rules aimed at protecting European banana producers from possible increases in imports from Ecuador following the country's accession to the EU's trade agreement with Colombia and Peru.

Peru: Agro-food exports grow 8% in 2016
Peruvian agro-food exports have totaled US $ 5.550 million dollars…

Unpredictable future for plant health in Europe
Carlos Palomar, CEO of AEPLA reflects on this article, written for ECA, on the challenges posed by phytosanitary registration in the EU.