Ecuador: European Parliament approves the accession to the Multiparty Trade Agreement
By an overwhelming majority of 499 votes in favor, the European Parliament approved the Resolution November 26 Accession of Ecuador to the Multiparty Trade Agreement (ACM) that integrate Peru and Colombia with the European Union. This approval is an important step and a positive signal from the European Parliament, which also paves the way for when the legislature to decide on the contents of the Protocol on the Accession of Ecuador to ACM in the course of 2016.
Ecuador: Brussels provides a stabilization mechanism for bananas in this country
European Trade Commissioner, Cecilia Malmström, said that the EU executive expected to establish a "stabilization mechanism" for trade in bananas for the accession of Ecuador to the trade agreement with the European Union Colombia and Peru. These countries themselves have made a deal with the bloc, already in force.
Latin America and EU: Construction of regional strategies can strengthen the competitiveness of agriculture in international markets
An analysis prepared by experts of IICA discusses the implications of the latest reform of the agricultural policy of the European Union in Latin America and the Caribbean. The reforms to the agricultural policy of the EU can increase competition for LAC in local and international markets.
Germany: Exports of Spanish agricultural equipment at AGRITECHNICA 2015
The Spanish industry of agricultural and livestock equipment increased its exports 9,44% over the first 8 months of 2015, compared to the same period in 2014. Spanish manufacturers continue focusing great effort on promoting its main assets abroad, and so, twenty-one of them backed by AGRAGEX –Spanish Association of manufacturers and exporters of agricultural equipment– will showcase at Agritechnica 2015 their innovative and sustainable technology.
Agricultural engineers together to the challenge of feeding the planet
In the Sixth World Congress of Agricultural Engineers, held at the Expo of Milan, monograph on the challenge of food has been prepared the Charter of the agronomist includes ten principles of the definition of a technical strategy and environmental sustainability for the entire planet and especially for developing areas.
Europe: Farmers and food industry need to coordinate facing the distribution
Horticultural interprofessional organizations of all countries also need greater coordination among them to present their petitions evenly in Europe and have more strength against large retailers. Inside the fair Macfrut 2015, it brought together representatives from Spain, France, Italy and Hungary. Macfrut 2015 fair has taken a step towards achieving consensus.
“Feeding the World”: Produce more with fewer resources
The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture hosted the celebration of…
Sustainable food habits against global warming
British researcher at the University of Oxford, Tara Garnett,…
TTIP EU-USA: positive impact on exports and employment in the food industry
The Secretary General of Agriculture and Food of Spain, Carlos…
Thousands of European farmers demanding fair prices for food
About 15,000 farmers and 6,000 tractors took in Brussels and…