Victor G. Sarabia Molina: “Peru brand can differentiate in versatility, safety and quality for fruits and vegetables”
Exports director of the Department of Agribusiness PROMPERÚ stopped at Fruit Logistica to attend the exclusive interview of e-Comercio Agrario. If there is a sector that has grown in export order is the niche of fruits and vegetables a distinguished international supplier low Peru brand for its versatility supply, product liability quality and differentiation.

Enrique Fernández-Marcote: “The room for improvement is in the range of 70 to 130 hp, with the new series of MF tractors”
The Brand Manager of Massey Ferguson in Spain reviewed in exclusive participation Brand AGCO Group at the last FIMA and presentation of the family of new MF 5700 tractors revolutionary Global Series at the fair, in addition to some current aspects of the Spanish market agricultural machinery.

Alberto Lopez: “FIMA is the international center of reference and the door from Latin America to the European market”
Everything is ready inside FIMA 2016. The Acting Minister of Agriculture, Isabel García Tejerina, and the president of the Aragonese Government, Javier Lambán officially open the frenetic activity of the 39th edition of the International Fair of Agricultural Machinery (FIMA), one of the three largest exhibition events in Europe. Le Sales Director and Marketing of Feria de Zaragoza anticipated content, fattened with positive expectations for the market of tractors, harvesters and tools for the sector in Spain. FIMA again act as a lever.

Silvia de Juanes: “Latin America is one of the geographical areas that is growing at Fruit Logistica”
The Director of Communications at Messe Berlin for Spain and Latin America says its close relationship with Germany, which "began during my doctoral phase" with enthusiasm. On his return he wanted to keep connected with this country and became an official representative of this trade fair institution. "We worked several sectors, such as tourism, transportation, ... and the food" as Fruit Logistica, held for three days in the German federal capital: from 3 to 5 February. There expect about 2,700 companies in the fruit and vegetables sector as well as nuts and dried fruits, and whole industry surrounding them technical cultivation, packaging, labeling, transportation, logistics systems, stock management and storage solutions computer and internet. The whole sector is present in a fair, characterized by internationality and quality of the visitors.

Matthijs van Bonzel: “Farmers have to keep competitiveness where is possible and cooperation where is necessary”
The Ambassador of the Netherlands in Spain, Johannes Hendrik Mattheus (Matthijs) von Bonzel, speaks mainly on the union of interests between Spain and his country, with regard to horticultural and logistics angels, in the following interview. Being the Government of Amsterdam which presides the first half the European Union (EU), it is advisable to know his lips the achievements of the successful Dutch organizational model in this sector, the large capacity of re-export, in particular, the nexus of trade union and distribution to Latin America.
eComercio Agrario: What are the keys to explain the success of the horticultural model of the Netherlands?

Lourdes Plana: “The avant-garde of cooking today is over. Madrid Fusion is expecting the next one”
The global event of the kitchen without boundaries is facing the new paths of creativity, as in all editions, and again ready to surprise all professionals and food lovers. Madrid Fusion hosts an unapproachable program. The Spanish and Latin American presence is felt in technical demonstrations, training workshops, contests, auctions and awards. "Rescuing the origins" is the culmination of work by three Latin American cooks to the rescue of endangered raw materials. The director of Madrid Fusion, Lourdes Plana, explains us about this one and other culinary attractions of the congress with an international vocation.

Héctor Echeverría: “Chile involves a great chance for Spanish companies to invest in the vegetable sector”
The executive director of the Foundation for Agrarian Innovation (FIA) recently visited Chile's major fruit and vegetable production areas of Spain to explain the opportunities in the Chilean agriculture to the most advanced agricultural enterprises. This institution, which is part of the Chilean Agriculture Ministry works with all components of innovation, both in the creation, management and adaptation of products and services that help improve the competitiveness of the agri-food and forestry sector. Héctor Echeverría says in this exclusive interview with Spain a large opened gate for development and investment opens vegetables, because Chile will become a major exporter of such agricultural products.

Francisco Mtz. Arroyo: “We focuse on promotion quality figures designations of origin and organic farming”
Castilla-La Mancha for the highest priority is the food industry, since it is the largest exporter of the Spanish region with a large expanse of vineyards. We interview Francisco Martínez Arroyo, Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development of Castilla-La Mancha

Miguel Suarez Cervieri: “BASF has reached its 150 years of life for getting a clear objective, innovation”
Miguel Suarez Cervieri (1962) is an agronomist with a degree in marketing from various universities in Uruguay. Country manager of the division of Crop Protection of Spanish BASF and president of the Business Association for the Protection of Plants (AEPLA), is convinced of the need for innovation in agriculture to ensure its future and continue producing healthy, healthy foods at affordable prices. But this aspect is so important to him as the political authorities enact laws that favor environmentally sustainable production and competitive markets.

José Cabascango: “For Ecuador it is of vital importance to have investors who bring innovation and technology”
Agribusiness and fresh and processed products are two of the sectors that the Ecuadorian government is giving priority to attracting investors. In this interview, agreed on a breakfast conference with businessmen which took place in Valencia last November, Cabascango (Pro Ecuador) tells the status of economic exchange between Ecuador and Europe and gives important clues about what you need to know to invest in their country.