Spain: Red fruit exports in the first half of 2015 grew by 15% and reach 861 million euros
September 1, 2015
Spanish exports of fresh fruits and vegetables…

Spain: Almería COAG valued around 1,000 hectares affected by floods
The virulent storm has flooded about 1,000 hectares of greenhouses in the towns of Adra, Balanegra and El Ejido. "Now we have to wait a few days to see how they react crops, in most cases, they are newly planted"

Horticultural seed business of Syngenta, for sale
The multinational aims "to accelerate the creation of shareholder value." The move comes after the rejection of its directors to offers to purchase the entire company by Monsanto.

Asaja denounces Pyricularia fungus causes a 15% decrease in the valencian rice harvest
September 1, 2015
The Valencian rice sector is facing a very…

Chile: Fruit Bureau meets with President of the Senate
Senate President, Patricio Walker, received in his office a group of representatives of the "Permanent Bureau of Labour and Social Dialogue of the Fruit Sector", also known as "Fruit Mesa" to hear the main proposals on the national fruit sector Labor Reform.

Avocado, rising consumption, faces his eighth world congress in Lima
The data show that production and consumption grow from decades ago. The next World Congress on this fruit being held from 13 September in Peru.

Spain: Ladybugs and bumblebees to keep out pests in greenhouse tomato
July 13, 2015
The Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Andalusia…

Spain: Nuts sector increased by 2% initial forecast almond production
June 30, 2015
The National Bureau of Nuts, composed of Agro-food…

Canarian banana wins “El Chupete de Oro” with its campaign ‘Magic Clock’
July 10, 2015
"El Chupete" is the first International Children's…

Spain: The benefits of canned food as the AME
The Spanish Metalgráfica Association (EMA) has launched a campaign to promote the consumption of food and canned drinks in the summer, highlighting its quality assurance, as well as ease in opening and comfort to carry.