Illusion and new projects inundate the 18th General Assembly of Members “5 a day”
On March 2 was one of the key issues for the Association "5 a day" days when the General Assembly of Members was held and held the awards that bear the same name. The event was sponsored by Euro Pool System, Bimi Sakata and TransSalsa and with the collaboration of Cajamar, Fruit Attraction and Mercamadrid.

Stone fruit: Integrated solutions without waste
Agrotecnología Group participates from 10 to 12 March at the Extraordinary Congress of Stone Fruit of the Region of Murcia, a meeting that aims to bring together representatives of all the links of the stone fruit sector and that the company will use to display multiple of their solutions, without waste and ecological for this sector: Actium, Politec and Lecitec. It will be a presentation on March 10 from 10:15 am in Room Company.

2015 brings more value to exports of fresh fruits and vegetables of Murcia
Exports of fresh fruit and vegetables in the Region of Murcia (Spain) during 2015 have increased in value by 7.8% with respect to the previous year, reaching 2,376.5 million euros, according to Proexport made from information Customs. Instead, the volume of Murcian fruit and vegetable exports by 1.4%, to 2,535,480 tons was reduced

UNICA Group specialties in tomato and pepper, to view of Italian farmers
A group of 30 Italian farmers visited the facilities of the fruit and vegetable marketing Ferva S.A.T. UNICA Group. Are representatives of seed companies Hazera and Vilmorin, and producers dedicated to the cultivation of cherry tomato branch, peppers and eggplant, both in conventional agriculture and organic production.

Peru: farmers willing to promote Hass avocado in the national and international market
The fruit growers of the Association of Organic Farmers in Valle Pampas (APAOVAP) located in the province of Chincheros, Apurímac region, achieved with the support of Sierra Exportadora financing S / 400 000 granted by Agroideas, to promote the production of Palta Hass the domestic and foreign markets.

Makro promotes agriculture with heart
Fernando Alcázar is a producer of only endangered vegetables and fruits, now sighs relieved, because the wholesaler Makro has thrown a hand. You can continue growing thanks to AlmaMakro program, which buys its production to ensure its future.

Grimaldi shipping company as an ally of Spanish fruit and vegetable sector
The European leader in the "Motorways of the Sea" found in the ports of Barcelona and Valencia a key export of Spanish fruit and vegetables to Italy platforms. New connections between Italy, Spain and Morocco are also very interesting for the transport of perishable goods opportunity. Eugenio Grimaldi, owner and manager of Online Short Sea Lines Grimaldi Group has talked with e-Comercio Agrario Fruit Logistica.

Freshuelva: Dietitians and nutritionists know the Andalusian berries
About fifty of nutritionists and Andalusian dietitians members of the Andalusian Society of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics (Sancyd) and the Professional Association of Nutritionists-Dietitians of Andalusia (Codinan) visited several farms and facilities of companies producing berries in which they have seen firsthand how sustainable production of these berries, which result in a healthy and nutritious qualities rich in berries.

Spain: Afrucat communicates quality domestic pear and apple
The Business Association of Fruit of Catalonia (Afrucat) has launched a communication campaign that aims to inform the consumer the different characteristics of the apples and pears which includes the association as well as the natural and flavor of the product so activating consumption.

Spain: The frozen vegetable exports leading the food industry
Demand for exports of these products grew by 18.2% last year, mainly in Europe. ASEVEC integrates nationwide leading manufacturer of frozen vegetables, eleven national implementation companies accounting for 90% of national production. The association provides consumer information platform on the Internet and social networks.