Spain: persimmon crop details
Bayer has brought together more than 300 technicians, researchers, producers and farmers to discuss the future of persimmon cultivation in Spain, a country that almost tripling its production of persimmon in five years to reach 650,000 tons. 90% of Spanish persimmon is grown in Valencia.

New nutrition labeling for berries of Huelva
Freshuelva and CaixaBank signed an agreement to promote a new nutrition labeling under new EU requirements in the field of berries. The project will be implemented by the Agricultural Industry Technology Center (Adesva).

Spain: “South Almond” under precision agriculture
The cooperative leader in the production of nuts of Andalusia, Almendrera South, with 4,200 farmer members and 20,000 hectares in production spread throughout the region, implement in their field test a new technology fertigation, which aims to ensure the most effective use water and fertilizers, under the agreement between the Foundation Caja Rural del Sur and technology company 'Wise Irrisystem', based in El Ejido (Almería).

The European tomato marked by the price crisis
Cooperatives Agro-alimentary of Spain and member organizations of the Joint Committee take stock of the terrible campaign tomato and seek support from the EU. From September 2015 to February 2016 there has been a drop in revenue in the sector of 11% and a price decrease of 17%.

Spanish technology greenhouse cross the Mediterranean
The Technology Centre is present in Africa to work on greenhouse technology. Framed within a reverse trade mission Egyptians to know the sector of agricultural auxiliary industry and how the Almeria agriculture model, Tecnova has signed a collaboration agreement to work on common lines of action to improve the technological conditions in agriculture in Egypt entrepreneurs.

Lemon Fino, a positive campaign in Murcia
The agricultural professional organization ASAJA-Murcia values as "satisfactory and very positive" the balance of the campaign of lemon Fino, which this year has been very excellent with very attractive prices for producers.

The threat of “black spot” flies over Europe
The Spanish citrus sector has sent a letter to the President of the Commission, Jean Claude Juncker, setting out concerns about the threat to plant citrus imports from third countries contagion risk of "black spot". One more year, the industry insists the Commission to prepare an automatic reaction, that if South Africa resends the contaminated fruit export season and if more than five interceptions are recorded, the EU close the border.

Rijk Zwaan and “5 a day” for healthy eating in Almería
With the collaboration of schools in the province of Almeria and the Department of Health and Consumer Ayto. Of Almeria, "The Frutoteca Itinerant" has approached all children and families, a project that launches the Association "5 a day" for bring fruits and vegetables to new generations.

Semillas Fitó presents the newest for this campaign
In the R & D in Santa Maria del Aguila, El Ejido-Almeria (Spain), the company has presented its new products in eggplant, tomato and cucumber for this campaign: Amalia, Nerea, Ateneo and dredged, which have been all developed from this center for improvement and collaboration with local farmers.

Chile: World Processing Tomato Congress
This is the 8th largest exporter of processed tomatoes, canned and pulp, and the first in South America. Minister of Agriculture, Carlos Furche participated in the opening of the twelfth edition of the World Congress of Tomato Processing, organized by the World Council of Tomato Processing, an organization that brings together more than 25 producing countries representing 95% of all producers processed tomato world.