Mexico: New international seminar on blueberry
The 4th International Workshop, "cranberry cultivation in Mexico: Technical analysis, productive handling and commercial development" held on 29 and 30 June in Terrace Andares, Guadalajara, Mexico.

Greenhouse YaraAcademy share knowledge and experience with more than 70 technicians
Yara has organized, framed within their training sessions YaraAcademy two days with a focus on greenhouse vegetable crops. Appointments past 12 and 13 May at facilities Yara has in La Mojonera (Almería) took place. The meetings served to bring technicians 70- -more some of the largest distributors in the area, aspects of nutrition and Yara solution to meet the nutritional needs of crops produced under this system.

Murcia paprika “A touch of color with lots of flavor”
The Ministry and the Regulatory Council of the Protected Designation of Origin Paprika of Murcia deliver 24,000 free samples Iberia flights. "A touch of color with great taste" is the motto with which the May 26 Murcia paprika is promoted in all national and international flights Iberia from Airport Madrid-Barajas Adolfo Suarez.

Fruit Logistica 2017 Birthday: Germany as Associate
Germany is the partner country of Fruit Logistica 2017, held from 8 to 10 February in Berlin. This was announced Secretary of State, Dr. Robert Kloos, executive director of the National Federation Erzeugerorganisationen Bundesvereinigung der Obst und Gemüse (BVEO), Dr. Christian Weseloh, and Section Chief Products & New Business of Messe Berlin, Gérald Lamusse in joint press conference in Berlin.

A quality brand for garlic from Córdoba
The garlic sector from Campiña Sur, in Córdoba, has set a target of achieving a quality brand that differentiates and distinguishes their productions. Thus, during a meeting a few days ago with the Territorial Delegate of Agriculture of the Government of Andalusia, Francisco Zurera, their representatives agreed to start the process for requesting a quality brand that is applicable to this product, namely the Geographical Indication (PGI), which in Spain has only the purple garlic from Pedroñeras (Cuenca). At the meeting also participated Miguel Ruz, mayor of Montalban, a town that traditionally is being associated with its production of garlic, recognized for its high quality.

Variety Jawara celebrates 10 years of success
This variety of Syngenta stands out for its curdling heat, high yield, size and quality of fruit until end of cycle. The event was attended by farmers and technicians of Murcia, the main growing area Jawara. The "Canary", or medium caliber, tomato is the preferred one in three consumers in the purchase line. Jawara was created in 2006 for the area of Almería and, ten years later, is a must for tomato growers Murcia and Almeria part of reference.

Andalusia more vigilant foreign pests in citrus
The Andalusian Plan of Phytosanitary Surveillance for citricultura pursued in 2016 with the development of the program Phytosanitary Monitoring Plan Andaluz in Citrus, designed to enable early detection and eradication of foreign harmful organisms that may affect the cultivation of citrus Andalusia. Thus its possible dispersion in the Andalusian region is avoided and minimized damage in productions to quickly react to the first symptoms.

Born a key event in ecological under plastic
The Auditorio de El Ejido hosts between 18 and 19 May, the most important event of the organic sector greenhouse, the First Symposium on Organic Farming organized by Biobest, Cajamar, Coexphal and Horto del Poniente.

Mexico: rising exports of berries
Over 50 years EF Schumacher, economist and thinker born in Germany, I think a partnership in the UK called Intermediate Technology Development Group (Group for the development of intermediate technologies), based on his book published in 1973, Small is beautiful ( small is beautiful), whose objectives were to publicize the virtues of micro enterprises that generate their own income without flaunting it. Any resemblance to the undertaking of strawberries is just a coincidence.

5 tips to welcome spring
From "5 a day" we always have in mind the importance of following a healthy lifestyle and adapt our body and power to seasonal changes, we put it easier.