Dies Honorary president of Eurobanan ARC Group, Angel Rodriguez Rey
The honorary president of the ARC Group Eurobanan, Ángel Rey Rodríguez, died during the night of July 29th at age 85. Visionary and a pioneer in the importation of fruits and vegetables in Spain, the founder of Grupo Angel Rey noted for his ability to forge one of the most powerful companies in the national fruit and vegetable sector.

Citrus exports equal the turnover of the previous year, although down 12.4%
Exports of citrus season 2015-2016 have matched the turnover of the previous season, which was a record, despite having experienced a reduction of 12.4%, which is attributed from the Citrus Management Committee (CGC) to the fact that unit prices have significantly improved. It also highlighted how the fall of the citrus harvest of this campaign reaches level of the fifth best export campaign in history.

More than seven million kilos of fruit and vegetables to charitable organizations
On July 28th, the Association of Organisations of Producers of Fruit and Vegetables of Andalusia (APROA) held its General Assembly, in which was reported on the actions about Prevention and Crisis Management, made during 2016, to all representatives of the OPFHs. These include the delivery of more than seven kilos of fruit and vegetables to charitable organizations throughout Spain, via the withdrawal system.

David del Pino leaves his position of general manager at the cooperative Granada La Palma
The director general of the fruits and vegetables cooperative Granada La Palma, Carchuna (Granada), David del Pino Rodriguez, will leave his position in the company from 1st September to face "new professional challenges", as explained in the formal letter of resignation that the company itself has spread among its customers and suppliers.

FEPEX and ASAJA don’t recognize Hortiespaña as Interprofessional of certain greenhouse vegetables
At a special meeting of the Full Council General of Interprofessional Organizations Agrifood (OIA) held in the morning of July 28th, FEPEX and ASAJA have voted against the recognition of Hortiespaña as national interprofessional organization of certain greenhouse vegetables. A recognition that despite such negative feedback, has become effective and that includes productions such as tomato, pepper, cucumber, eggplant, zucchini, melon and watermelon grown under shelter and for fresh consumption.

Uneven trend in marketing melon and watermelon
The latest marketing trend show an uneven two seasonal products such as watermelon and cantaloupe, bending the balance clearly in favor of the former, which has been gaining ground on the second, both surface-production and value- prices. In fact, watermelon consolidates more and more as a product of clear export orientation, with 75% of its production for the foreign market, compared with 51% who holds melon, according to data provided by the Association of Producers Organisations fruits and Vegetables of Almería (COEXPHAL).

AVA-ASAJA accuses mass distribution to sink the price of watermelon on the field
AVA-ASAJA has denounced the "virulent business strategy" that are carrying out the supermarket chains, consisting of supply of watermelon "to Busted prices", aiming not only to attract more customers using this fruit as a ruse, but also sink quotes watermelon on the field and reverse a trend that, for the first time in recent seasons, was tested positive for the farmer.

Strawberry production increased despite lower acreage
The production of the recently concluded 2015-2016 Huelva strawberry season has increased to 294,650 tons of a 2% compared to last season, although the hectares planted decreased by 8.7%. As for turnover, it has posted the 395.150.o00 euros, representing an increase of 8% over billings in the previous season. As a commercial point, noting that the quality of the Huelva strawberry has allowed it to stay in the market in May, despite competition from other European productions.

The quality certifications and Biological Control, normal practices of more than 70% of horticulturists almerienses
Almost 80% of the growers in Almería has its certified by a seal of quality productions and 70% carry Biological Control, as is clear from the study "Unbreakable province of Almeria system vegetable production, as a result of the collaboration between the Institute and Fisheries Agricultural Training (IFAPA) and the Cajamar Foundation, which recently presented the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, of Andalusian Goverment, Carmen Ortiz.

Spain, the first country in the world that exports peach to China
The long process of negotiation that has developed between the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and the Chinese authorities has finally ended with the authorization of exports of Spanish peaches and plums to China. This makes Spain the first country in the world exporting peach to China. These exports may take place immediately, thanks to the foresight and organization of the campaign by the Ministry.