Antonio Infante joins Planasa as Technical and Quality Director
The company Planasa, a leading company in the fruit and vegetable sector and with presence in the five continents, now reinforces its management team with the incorporation of Antonio Infante as the new Technical and Quality Director at a global level.

The PDO Peras de Rincón de Soto is presented to thirty wholesalers of Mercavalencia
The Protected Designation of Origin Peras de Rincón de Soto has visited Mercavalencia to make known to the wholesalers and buyers of the eastern zone the peculiarities of its product, recognized with the seal of the PDO by the EU since 2004.

The first day of IOM 2017 revolved around new markets, varieties, distribution and marketing
On the first day of the II International Meeting of the Onion Sector, IOM 2017, organized by the Association of Producers of Onion of Castilla-La Mancha, PROCECAM, have presented the main novelties in markets, varieties, distribution and marketing of onion.

Bejo, with the II edition of the International Onion Meeting
Bejo is one of the main sponsors of the second edition of the International Onion Meeting (IOM), the international meeting of the onion sector, which will be held on November 15th and 16th at the Albacete Conference Center in order to analyze deeply the sector and value the importance of this crop in all its aspects (productive, nutritious, marketing and phytosanitary).

Globalcaja participates in the First Almendro International Forum
Globalcaja has supported the I International Almond Forum, which has been held at the Congress Palace of Albacete. The vice president of the entity, Herminio Molina, has attended the meeting, as another example of the commitment that Globalcaja has with this important productive sector in the region.

Carbotecnia presented at Fruit Attraction its latest developments in high technology fertilization
As usual, Carbotecnia participated with its own exhibition space in the Fruit Attraction. Dozens of customers passed through its stand to learn about the latest developments in high technology fertilization with low molecular weight Carboxylic acids.

Nunhems® consolidates its leadership in Fruit Attraction in the development of new consumer trends
In the latest edition of Fruit Attraction, Nunhems®, the unit of horticultural seeds from Bayer has revealed its leadership strategy, based on the slogan "Imagine it, we make it happen", a working method with which the Nunhems® brand achieves seduce the consumer thanks to the involvement of all departments of the company with the common goal of working daily to find out what are the real needs of the food chain and determine the best way to meet them.

LA UNIÓ denounces the proliferation of South African oranges on the shelves, despite not being exported due to the presence of pests
LA UNIÓ de Llauradors has denounced that many Valencian supermarkets have the orange-filled lines of South Africa, despite having more than enough local supply to provide the markets and the fact, even more worrying, that the South African citrus sector has suspended its exports to the European Union, due to the presence of the disease of pests, among them the Black Spot (Citrus Black spot), in shipments.

AEPLA questions the impartiality and rigor of the IARC regarding glyphosate
AEPLA, a business association that represents the phytosanitary ware manufacturing sector in Spain, criticizes the conflict of interests and the lack of rigor in the IARC, an agency of the World Health Organization (WHO), regarding glyphosate. In fact, in the last weeks and months there has been a constant trickle of information published as a result of journalistic investigations carried out by international agencies and relevant media from different parts of the world about irregularities of that agency, whose report served to justify the positions they advocate. Do not renew an essential tool that has been used for agricultural and non-agricultural uses for more than 40 years.

Biological control in greenhouse horticultural crops
Opinion article on integrated pest control in greenhouse horticultural crops, written for ECA by Mónica González, from Las Palmerillas Experimental Station, Cajamar.