COMPO EXPERT will be presented at the 4th International Congress of Red Fruits
COMPO EXPERT will be present again at the International Congress of Red Fruits, which will be held in Huelva (Palacio de Congresos de Casa Colón) on June 20 and 21. Organized by the Association of Producers and Exporters of Strawberries of the province of Huelva, Freshuelva, this event reaches its fourth edition, having become the most important European level meeting of the berries sector.

Afrucat asks to expand from 30 to 40Mkg the withdrawal quota to recover prices in stone fruit
Afrucat a little important in the harvest of fruit due to the weather and the low fruit set The director general of Afrucat, Manel Simón, and the general director of Food, Quality and Agrifood Industries of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food (DARP) , Carmel Mòdol, together with the director of the Territorial Services of the DARP to Lleida, Ferran de Noguera, have presented the forecasts of harvest of peach and nectarine for Catalonia that indicate an overall decrease of 17% standing at 471,430 tons.

Fruit Attraction foresees a 16% growth in its 10th anniversary, surpassing the 1,600 companies
The International Fair of the Fruit and Vegetable Sector, Fruit Attraction, organized by IFEMA and FEPEX, will be held in its 10th edition for the first time from Tuesday 23 to Thursday 25 October 2018 at the Feria de Madrid. According to the estimates made after the first meeting of election of spaces by the Organizing and Advisory Committee, the surface has grown 10% in relation to the same period of the last call, exceeding 45,000 square meters, and with a forecast of total increase of the 16%

Cradle of Platero closes the IV edition of “Fresayunando” with the participation of 2,500 children
Cuna de Platero has closed today the fourth edition of its food education program "Fresayunando. Healthy breakfast of Cuna de Platero ", a consolidated project in which 2,500 children have participated. In total, the fresayunos have led healthy eating and information on how to lead a healthy life to about 10,000 schoolchildren in these four years.

The seedless watermelon Bouquet leads the consumption of watermelon in Europe
Bouquet seedless watermelon has made Anecoop the first Spanish operator of watermelons, as it is included in the latest ranking developed by the specialized magazine Alimarket in 2017. Today, for 26 years, it continues to lead its category in the European market, being present since 1991 in the fruit and vegetable lines of the main distribution chains in 30 countries.

Agro-Alimentary Cooperatives of Spain foresees for 2018 a decline in the harvest of stone fruit in Spain
Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España has prepared the forecast for the harvest of stone fruit in Spain in 2018 and aims that production will reach 1,800,000 tons, that is, 9% less than last year and an increase of 9%. % compared to the average of the last five campaigns.

FAECA Granada is committed to the promotion and creation of an Interprofesional of green asparagus
Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de Granada has met with the territorial delegate of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development in Granada, Manuel García and the vice president of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament, Clara Aguilera, at the headquarters of the provincial Federation , to analyze the situation of asparagus cultivation and propose possible lines of action that support this strategic sector for the province of Granada.

UPA denounces an increase of 525% of the price of cranberry between the point of origin and the consumer
UPA has denounced the "scandalous" difference between the price they pay for blueberries and consumers and the price farmers pay for producing them. This new complaint comes precisely at a time when the sector is making great efforts to promote the consumption of this product. It is not the first time that the organization of producers publicly warns of this fact, but UPA regret that their complaints "have never been taken into account."

Fashion kicks off its national campaign by encouraging the consumption of watermelon all year
Watermelon Fashion started last week the national production campaign in the Poniente de Almería, with excellent expectations of demand for the product. The brand aims to lead the change of paradigm of watermelon consumption only associated with summer, taking into account that the availability of Watermelon Fashion in the market is eight months a year.

The red fruits of Cuna de Platero, protagonists of the II day of health “Activando Huelva”
Cuna de Platero participated this Saturday in the second day of health 'Activando Huelva', where its red fruits have starred in a culinary demonstration with healthy products by the School of Hospitality Santa María de Belén, Huelva. This day, where the cooperative was already present in its previous edition, are organized by the health districts of Huelva-Costa and Condado-Campiña Primary Care.