UPA explains why no one should receive more than 60,000 euros in aid from the CAP
The aid of the Common Agricultural Policy must have a fairer and more social distribution. With that premise, the organization of farmers and ranchers UPA has claimed that the future PAC establish a ceiling of aid for exploitation of 60,000 euros, a ceiling 60% lower than currently existing.
This is the first forecast of Spanish lemon for the season 2018/2019
The first forecast of AILIMPO (preliminary evaluation) for the lemon harvest for the 2018/2019 season foresees a production of 1,300,000 tonnes in Spain with uneven growth of the two Spanish varieties: Fino and Verna.
Afrucat works to open the Mexican market to the Catalan stone fruit
The technical team of Afrucat this morning accompanied a group of Mexican inspectors to different fields of Baix Segrià to analyze the feasibility of opening the Mexican market to the Catalan stone fruit. This initiative is the result of the joint work of the Association with the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and the Department of Agriculture of the Generalitat and accelerated thanks to a reverse mission organized by Prodeca this year.
The hectares dedicated to growing broccoli grow about 3% this summer
The Rioja Alta, La Rioja Alavesa, the interior of Murcia and the adjoining land of Granada and Almeria make it possible to supply broccoli to the national consumer during the summer, due to the mild climate in the summer. In the rest of the zones, where this vegetable is produced in the winter and spring months, most of the companies that cultivate paralyze their work until September, due to the high temperatures and low rainfall density.
Grufesa already commercializes its first strawberries produced in its nurseries in Ávila
Grufesa, a firm of Moguer (Huelva) producer and marketer of berries, has already started to market its first strawberries produced in its Cabezas de Alambre (Ávila) nurseries, where since last year it has consolidated a productive area with the aim of supplying throughout the year to the markets to respond to their needs and demands.
CASI doubles the area of organic production
The Cooperativa referent in tomato consolidates its bet in BIO and duplicates the surface with a total of 115 hectares approximately. In the Eco range, the products that are marketed are: Zucchini, Branch Tomato, Rebellion, Dutch Cucumber, Pear Tomato, Cherry branch and loose, Cherry Pear, California Pepper and Watermelon mini., Leads this range of specialty tomato branch, Zucchini and the cherry.
FEPEX transfers to the Minister a proposal to meet the challenges of the fruit and vegetable sector
FEPEX has transmitted to the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, the main challenges of the fruit and vegetable sector, which includes the exit of the United Kingdom from the EU, third Spanish export market; the application of the CMO in Spain, and the insecurity over the supply of water resources in the main producing regions, proposing a set of measures with specific actions to modernize the farms, which will improve the competitiveness of the sector.
Sandia Fashion consolidates its commitment to health by renewing the agreement with the Spanish Heart Foundation
The president of the Spanish Heart Foundation, Carlos Macaya and Jose García Martín, President of Grupo AGF, have renewed the collaboration agreement by which the FEC recognizes Sandía Fashion as a product attached to its Food and Health program (Pasfec).
The digital version of our magazine ECA Fruits is now available
The fourth digital edition of the magazine ECA FRUIT of the month of May, edited by SIETE Agromarketing and e-Comercio Agrario, is already at your disposal. In it you will find the most up-to-date information of the last four-month period of the horticultural sector. And specifically, in this edition, you can not miss the special "Tropical: the kings of Europe", where we spoke with Josep Sanchís, interviews with the Minister of Agriculture, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro and the General Director of the Food Industry, Fernando Burgaz. These are some of the topics developed in this complete publication, through opinion articles and full-time reports and interviews with some of the most prominent figures in the sector. There is also no lack of information related to the main companies and events.
Ecuador exports 92% of its mango to the United States
As part of the promotion of the fruit, Fundación Mango Ecuador prepares the International Mango Congress for the seventh time in the country. Johnny Jara, executive director of the foundation, addressed the media explaining the benefits of the crop, and the importance of this event for foreigners and locals.