Spain: General elections 20D. Agri-food policies
The agri-food sector and rural areas is also starring in the proposals of the Spanish political parties attending the meeting of December 20, after which the formula that will govern the country for the next four years. Attached below offers affecting the development of the primary sector, by the, Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE), Ciudadanos and Podemos.
Dupont and Dow to combine in merger of equals
Will Create Highly Focused Leading Businesses in Agriculture, Material Science and Specialty Products; Intend to Subsequently Spin Into Three Independent, Publicly Traded Companies
Macri is now president of Argentina
In his first address to the Legislature, Mauricio Macri called on Argentines to "build the country of the century" with a strong call for "union", the "teamwork" and its commitment to zero poverty, fight drug trafficking, and "dialogue with the world while preserving the sovereign claims."
An electoral debate among the four major parties on agriculture, food and rural
The food industry also have an electoral debate in which the four parties with options of government polls put on the table their ideas, diagnoses and solutions for the sector. It will be on December 15 to 12,000, in the School of Agricultural Engineers of Madrid.
Ecuador: European Parliament approves the accession to the Multiparty Trade Agreement
By an overwhelming majority of 499 votes in favor, the European Parliament approved the Resolution November 26 Accession of Ecuador to the Multiparty Trade Agreement (ACM) that integrate Peru and Colombia with the European Union. This approval is an important step and a positive signal from the European Parliament, which also paves the way for when the legislature to decide on the contents of the Protocol on the Accession of Ecuador to ACM in the course of 2016.
Latin America and EU: Construction of regional strategies can strengthen the competitiveness of agriculture in international markets
An analysis prepared by experts of IICA discusses the implications of the latest reform of the agricultural policy of the European Union in Latin America and the Caribbean. The reforms to the agricultural policy of the EU can increase competition for LAC in local and international markets.
FRUIT LOGISTICA 2016: Egypt, partner country, focuses on growth
Egypt, partner country for FRUIT LOGISTICA 2016, has announced an unprecedented presence with the participation of the major exporters in the international trade fair for fresh produce marketing. Egypt's stand in Hall 2.1, will host the official opening of FRUIT LOGISTICA 2016 next February 3, 2016.
FMC Corporation and the Polytechnic University of Cartagena create the Chair FMC-UPCT
Union between the Polytechnic University of Cartagena and FMC Corporation was formalized, which will link to both institutions in the coming years for research, training and dissemination in the area of technical development Mediterranean crops.
“La Canica is an exportable concept anywhere in the world”
Simply Bricio, as well he is recognized around the world, looks at our "Oil and Lemon" section, along with his friend and traveling companion of the soul, Paco Roncero, for anticipating the ultimate gastronomic project. This is the restaurant La Canica, in San Miguel de Allende. It is located in Guanajuato, where his culinary gastronomic temple totem born: El Jardín de los Milagros. The mixture of Brice draws from its origins: air Breathe mother's side of the Mediterranean, particularly Lebanon. It specializes in resorting to pre-Hispanic cuisine in Latin America, feels totally seduced by the Spanish, for as he says, as a slogan, cooking to excite rather than to feed.
Spain: FIMART focuses on the application of technological innovation to rural areas
The Palacio de la Merced, home to the Council of Córdoba, welcomes from 10 to 12 November, the second edition of "Smart Meetings for Rural Innovation" FIMART 2015, an event promoted by the Provincial Consortium for Economic Development organized by Rurápolis. The technical seminars will relate to the application of innovation and technology to rural areas and, in particular, companies in the agrifood value chain. The event provides access to specialists and suppliers in areas such as the Internet of Things, Big Data applied to agriculture, sensing or unmanned flight, etc.