CEMA Position Statement on the EU Energy Reduction Measures
CEMA recognises the need to increase the security of EU energy…

European Commission publishes the revised Sustainable Use Directive
After some delays, the announced revision of the Sustainable…

Agri-food supply chain “societally-critical”
Copa-Cogeca, Primary Food Processors, and FoodDrinkEurope …

European Commission publishes its short-term outlook for EU agricultural markets
The fallout from the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to…

AREFLH reelects its President and Vice-President
As part of its General Assembly on June AREFLH organised on 16th…

Mechanization: a game-changer for sustainable agrifood systems
On 9th June 2022 CEMA and FAO held a hybrid event hosted by…

AREFLH organizes a discussion between European regions, producers and European institutions
As part of its general assembly on June 16 in Trento, Italy,…

The European Parliament takes a clear stand on the future of organic farming
The report on the Organic Action Plan, which focused on several…

Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2022: The nominees
The fresh produce industry's ten best innovations will be presented…

Gear up now: All systems go for FRUIT LOGISTICA 2022 Berlin
Exhibitors and trade visitors are welcome to participate in the…