The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food awards the IX “Excellence Awards for Innovation for Rural Women”
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) has awarded the work of seven women linked to the rural world in the IX "Excellence Awards for Innovation for Rural Women".

TROPS receives the award for the Best Business Trajectory
The malagueña cooperative leader in production and marketing of mango, TROPS, has been awarded with the Prize to the best Business Trajectory for Actualidad Económica.

The 15th National Symposium on Plant Health opens its registration period
The registration form for the 15th National Symposium on Plant Health is now available on the web, which will take place in Seville from 23 to 25 January 2019, organized by the Official Association of Agricultural Technical Engineers of Western Andalusia (COITAND).

Smart Agro 2018 Forum: an approach to the future
The first edition of the Smart Agro Forum began with a few words of welcome from the General Director of Feria de Zaragoza, Rogelio Cuairán, giving the step to the intervention by the Director General of Rural Development, Innovation and Forestry Policy of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food, Isabel Bombal, who outlined the main lines of work in relation to digitalization and the use of new technologies in the agri-food sector. "The digital transformation of the entire agri-food chain is a priority for MAPA and should affect the entire territory," he said.

The Minister of Agriculture highlights the good harmony between the fair Sant Miquel and Eurofruit
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development has opened the call to apply for aid to improve the production and marketing of bee products for this year. The initial budget for this campaign amounts to 2.37 million euros, pending the final allocation that will be approved by Sectorial Conference.

Bridgestone presents its new premium agricultural tire VX-TRACTOR
Bridgestone, the world leader in the manufacture of tires and other rubber products, has presented its new agricultural tire in the premium segment, the VX-TRACTOR, at the New Holland campus located in Peñarrubias de Pirón (Segovia), with a series of field tests. It is a new product that offers more rubber in the bars, more traction and duration.

UPA asks for a transparent and honest labeling that indicates the origin of the milk
The small Spanish milk producers today expressed their anger over the new attack received this week on dairy products, this time in the form of a study published by a British specialized media that has achieved a great impact in Spain.

Fecoam bets for a greener agriculture to improve the environment
The Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives of the Region (Fecoam) coordinates a proposal to carry out the project 'Implementation of Ecological Developments for Sustainable Agriculture' (IDEAS), which may be financed by the National Rural Development Program of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Magrama) and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (Feader).

UPA launches a project to improve the safety at work of farmers and ranchers
Agriculture and livestock are professions not exempt from risks for the professionals who perform them. In fact, statistics from the Ministry of Labor confirm that the primary sector, together with construction and the manufacturing industry, leads the statistics of work accidents that cause loss, with an incidence of 5,381.5 accidents per 100,000 workers. A figure that also grows steadily in the last decade.

The Minister of Agriculture will open this Tuesday MEAT ATTRACTION 2018
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas Puchades, will open this Tuesday, September 18, at 12:00 hours, the second edition of the Meat Sector Fair, MEAT ATTRACTION 2018, jointly organized by IFEMA and the National Association of Industrias de la Carne de España, ANICE, and which will take place from September 18 to 20 of this month, at the Feria de Madrid.