Ecuador is the partner country of Fruit Logistica 2020
Ecuador's main exports included bananas (6 million tons), bananas (212 tons), baby bananas (139 tons), pineapples (81 tons), broccoli (74 tons) and mangoes (60 tons).

New Edition of Women Agro Awards 2019
Siete Agromarketing, a leading communication and marketing agency in the agri-food sector, and eComercio Agrario, a newspaper of national and international political and economic information, convene the II Edition of the 'WOMEN AGRO Awards' 2019, promoting equal opportunities in the value chain and agrifood industry.

World wheat production drops
A 23% reduction in Canadian durum wheat production and 9.5% less in European production are expected. Situation that makes expect a rebound in prices for European producers.

Spain modifies the national standard for aid to OPFH
The Government approves the amendment of the national standard for EU aid in the fruit and vegetable sector, with the aim of providing it with greater efficiency in the execution of European Union funds.

Commercialized 145,400 tons of oil in July
The dynamism of the olive oil market is maintained, with 145,400 tons sold in the month of July. To date, the total quantity sold is 1,303,500 tons, 16% above the previous season, with a monthly average marketing of 130,400 tons.

Chile, the main supplier of fresh fruit from China
Cherry, table grape, plums, nectarines, avocado, kiwi and apples ... these are the main fruits that Chile exports to China today.

Wine production in Castilla La Mancha will fall by 30%
It is expected 30 percent below last year's production in Castilla-La Mancha, with between 20 and 23 million hectoliters. A campaign with a grape of higher quality and greater alcoholic strength.

They discover a new component with which plants control the branching of roots
Research teams from the VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology (Belgium), the University of Nottingham (United Kingdom), the University of Heidelberg (Germany) and the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) have identified a novel component that controls the development of plant root branches.

Isla Bonita begins the 2019 Lima National campaign
The tropical and exotic fruit brand of Grupo Eurobanan, starts with the national lime campaign, predicting to distribute between 500,000 and 700,000 Kgs of Tahiti lime, grown in the southeast of the peninsula. The decrease in volume in kg and size of the fruit with respect to the previous year, is due to the late flowering of the crops, due to the delayed entry of spring in 2019.

Chile leads the second highest risk category of water stress in the world
A quarter of the world's population - which already reaches 7 billion inhabitants - is in a country that is in “extremely high” conditions of water stress.