KWS Vegetables has now acquired a 17-hectare farm in Murcia
Eight Months after acquiring land in El Eijdo, Almería, KWS…

The importance of the team in the success of VIVEROS HERNANDORENA
The history of Viveros Hernandorena is full of successes. Achievements…

Prosecco docg focusses on the green economy with Antonio Carraro spa
Antonio Carraro spa, leader of a cluster of European companies…

Westfalia’s avocados helping to protect important biodiversity in Portugal
Westfalia Fruit Group, a leading multinational supplier of avocados,…

Goldenberry Farms promotes traceability with new website
Goldenberry Farms, a leading grower and exporter of Sugar Mangos™,…

BASF Venture Capital invests in financial platform Traive™
BASF Venture Capital GmbH (BVC), the corporate venture company…

Bayer and Ginkgo Bioworks close deal creating Agricultural Biologicals Powerhouse
Bayer announced that the company has closed the previously announced…

Goldenberry Farms expands investment into Soil Health
Goldenberry Farms, a leading grower and exporter of Sugar Mangos™,…

CEMA considers that 81,800 of these vehicles are agricultural tractors
Overall, some 108,800 tractors were registered across European…

VIVEROS HERNANDORENA to unveil its seal of Varietal Reliability at Fruit Attraction
With more than 150,000 persimmon plants and plans to increase…