Greenvas launches a new line of pots for hydroponic cultivation
Greenvass has presented its new line of pots for the hydroponic cultivation of different seeds, including red fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and gooseberries. The new pots of 10, 18 and 25 liters have the optimum volume and dimensions for the cultivation of these fruits, so the process of a perfect crop can be further optimized.

AGRAGEX calls for greater commitment of the Administration with the internationalization of DEMOAGRO
The Spanish Association of Manufacturers Exporters of Agricultural Equipment (AGRAGEX), took advantage of its participation in the fair of demonstrations of machinery and agricultural equipment, DEMOAGRO 2017 to value the export figures of the sector, during a meeting with the specialized press. The statistics report produced annually by this organization shows a growth of around 3% during the past year, reaching a total of € 2,101,665,042.68. These results, according to Jaime Hernani, president of AGRAGEX, "have been obtained with hardly any public support, since during the crisis the budgets for international promotion have been reduced by 80% and have not recovered". In that sense, Hernani urges the Administration to give greater support to the internationalization of events representative of the sector, as is the case of DEMOAGRO.

Globalcaja strengthens its collaboration agreement with the La Mancha agri-food cooperatives
In the framework of the General Assembly of Agro-food Cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha, held recently in Tomelloso, the agreement of collaboration that this Association had with the banking entity Globalcaja has been renewed, which contributes to reinforce in many ways the collaboration that have maintained for years both entities in the matter of training and promotion, among other areas.

Molecor participates in the XXXV National Congress of Irrigation AERyD
Molecor, a leading company in the development and commercialization of TOM® PVC Oriented Pipes (PVC-O), will participate in the XXXV edition of the National Irrigation Congress to be held in Tarragona from 6th to 8th June. This event is organized by the Spanish Association of Irrigation and Drainage (AERyD), together with the General Community of Irrigators of the Ebro Right Channel, and the support of other state and regional bodies and entities.

Fertiberia Andalucía brings to FECSUR its new range of fertilizers
Fertiberia Andalucia has presented its new range of fertilizers, Fertiberia Advance, at the fair of Samples of the Southern Countryside of Extremadura (FECSUR), which has held its XXXVI edition from 25th to 28th May, in the town of Azuaga (Badajoz). Formulated from the most innovative techniques, among the products Advance stands out the formula NPK (S) Olivo Plus 17-18-10 with boron, iron and zinc, which offers a perfect balance of nutrients suitable for the needs of the olive grove and that improves the quality and production of the oil.

Bayer bets on innovative solutions for more productive and sustainable digital agriculture
Bayer, in collaboration with ASAJA Sevilla and Vantage, met last May 23th experts from all areas of the agricultural sector to share knowledge and advance the development of digital agriculture as a path to a more productive and sustainable agriculture that can help meet the challenge of feeding 9 billion people by the year 2050. Bayer's Digital Farming Day brought together more than 300 professionals from the agricultural sector who had the opportunity to meet, discuss and learn about the digital transformation of agriculture today through various theoretical and practical activities.

JCB FASTRAC harvests applause in Demoagro 2017
The JCB machinery firm takes the revolution to work in the field, with the participation of its best assets in DEMOAGRO 2017, among them its most emblematic model, FASTRAC, which won the admiration of the public. Responsible for this brand valued their participation in the third edition of DEMOAGRO, held on May 9th, 10th and 11th, in the farm "La Granja" of San Clemente (Cuenca), where it occupied an area of two hectares, within the sector of "DEMOSUELO".

SIETE and e-Comercio Agrario launch ECA AGRI, first current year in agricultural machinery and agriculture
The first edition of the yearbook published by SIETE Agromarketing and e-Comercio Agrario, ECA AGRI, is now at your disposal, where you will find the most relevant information in the agricultural and agricultural machinery sector. The analysis of the agricultural machinery market in Spain, the latest developments in favor of greater sustainability and environmental respect or the CAP beyond 2020, are some of the topics developed in this complete publication, through opinion articles and reports Of full relevance and interviews to some of the most outstanding personages of the sector. There is no lack of information related to the main companies and events, and our Special Dossier on Plant Health. Do not miss it!

Genesis Innovation Group was born to integrate the development and management of protected varieties of plants worldwide
Genesis Innovation Group has been born, a Valencian company that brings together a group of highly specialized companies in the development and integral management of protected plant varieties worldwide. An initiative that takes advantage of the success of the business model that Citrus Genesis has been applying for more than a decade in the development and management of new varieties of citrus, to penetrate other fruit species such as pomegranate, grape, kaki and other exotic fruits.

The UNIQ quality label, present with its agricultural corrugated box at the Infoagro Exhibition in Almeria
The UNIQ quality seal, a reference corrugated carton for the agricultural sector, has been present at the Infoagro fair, which took place from 10th to 12th May at the Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones de Aguadulce (Almería). UNIQ, thanks to the know-how and experience of the Association of Packing and Packaging Manufacturers of Corrugated Carton (AFCO), is the agricultural cardboard box that brings added value to horticultural products.