Agrarex brings innovation in greenhouses and crop protection to Berlin
Ten Spanish companies of agricultural components will participate in Fruit Logistica 2019 together with AGRAGEX. The companies belong to the greenhouse and crop protection sectors.

Uniq present in Berlín “Tu caja Uniq”
It is the first and only software created to select the type of cardboard packaging that best suits fruits and vegetables, allowing you to know which is the perfect box per product and logistics circuit.

Decco closes Fruit Attraction with the presentation of its new fungicides
Decco Ibérica has participated one more year in Fruit Attraction, located next to the rest of the most important horticultural companies in the Valencian Community has moved to the fair 20 post-harvest specialists of Decco Iberian to attend all customers visiting the stand and make it feel at home Together with them, they have also been able to analyze current market trends, with the multitude of innovations that have been presented at Fruit Attraction 2018. Pablo Sanchez, Sales Analyst & Marketing Manager of Decco Ibérica, tells us first hand, the main objectives with the who have arrived at this fair.

Decco solutions to extend the commercial life of citrus fruits
Citrus fruits are very susceptible to rot caused by fungi that attack the fruit in various stages of its cultivation. Spain is among the main producers and exporters of citrus fruits worldwide and one of the great problems that this sector suffers are the numerous economic losses derived from postharvest diseases.

Tetra Pak launches a total plant management service that increases the profitability of customers
Tetra Pak has launched Tetra Pak® Plant Secure, a plant management service that marks a radical change and improves the profitability of customers.

Bruñó presents its Melon Eco at Fruit Attraction
Bruñó will present the Melon Bruñó Eco Melon at the next Fruit Attraction fair in Madrid, a more sustainable variety for lovers of ecology. With an original stand of "La Melonería", the assistants will be able to know at first hand his last innovative bet, with which he has wanted to recover the traditional flavors.

Sapec Agro presents its wide range of phytosanitary and nutritional solutions for cereal in a Strategic Conference
The company of phytosanitary and nutritional solutions for the protection of crops, Sapec Agro, has presented its wide range of phytosanitary solutions behind which there is an intense process of innovation and development that during the last year has led to more than 13 new products, both in the nutritional field as for the protection of crops.

Smurfit Kappa collaborates with Scania to create a sustainable packaging solution that optimizes its supply chain
Smurfit Kappa, leader in the paper and corrugated cardboard packaging sector, has collaborated with the global transport provider Scania to replace some of the materials used in its supply chain with 100% sustainable paper-based packaging solutions. Specifically, he has worked with the division 'Scania Parts Logistics', responsible for the distribution of all parts of the brand, which has a complex supply chain through which they pass many products of different sizes, some of which of special fragility .

DS Smith will participate in the fair Empack Oporto 2018
DS Smith, European leader in the packaging sector, will be present at the fourth edition of the Empack fair, which will be held on September 19 and 20 in Oporto. This event, the only one in Portugal dedicated exclusively to the packaging and logistics industry, will bring together more than 4,000 professionals interested in knowing the latest advances in packaging technology to improve their business.

Compo Expert creates the Fertilizer with NET Technology that ensures a greater efficiency of nitrogen use
NovaTec® Solub Calcium NK es un fertilizante con Tecnología NET (Nitrogen Efficient Technology) que asegura una mayor eficiencia de uso de nitrógeno. NovaTec® Solub Calcium NK es un abono equilibrado en Nitrógeno y Potasio con elevado contenido en Calcio que favorece la calidad del producto cosechado, su mejor conservación, una mayor resistencia del cultivo a las condiciones de salinidad por sodio/boro así como compactación del suelo.