Applications now open for the European Bee Award 2022!
The European Bee Award is launching the call for applications…

BKT Will Bring Ag Tire Lineup to Farm Progress Show
Balkrishna Industries Ltd. (BKT) will display a number of tires…

European Commission publishes the revised Sustainable Use Directive
After some delays, the announced revision of the Sustainable…

Agri-food supply chain “societally-critical”
Copa-Cogeca, Primary Food Processors, and FoodDrinkEurope …

First estimate of lemon harvest un Spain next season 2022/2023
AILIMPO’s first crop estimate of lemon for the next 2022/2023…

Fruit Attraction 2022 announces the Innovation Hubs Awards
Once again, Fruit Attraction is organising a new edition of the…

Bayer Showcases Leadership in Breakthrough Innovations and Sustainable, Tailored Solutions
Bayer puts its industry-leading offerings in crop protection,…

Prognosfruit 2022 releases its annual apple and pear crop forecast,
Prognosfruit’s 2022 European apple and pear crop forecast reveals…