Exports of the Spanish pork sector exceeded five billion euros in 2017
The pig sector of Spanish white coat closed the year of 2017 with a historical record, which consolidates it as one of the strategic engines of the national economy and as a great world power, thanks to its model of sustainable production. A turnover of more than 15,000 million euros, and exports that totaled 5,022 million euros in 2017, confirm this positive valuation, according to a report of INTERPORC, the Interprofessional of Porcino de Capa Blanca. This organization will once again have an active participation and represent this important economic segment in MEAT ATTRACTION 2018, the Meat Sector Fair. The only Spanish show devoted exclusively to the meat industry, organized by IFEMA and the National Association of Meat Industries of Spain, ANICE, will hold its second edition from September 18 to 20 at the Feria de Madrid.

Fecoam considers vital the maintenance of the Tajo-Segura Transfer for the survival of the regional agriculture
The Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives of Murcia (Fecoam) reminds the administration that "the agriculture of the Region depends largely on the water resources coming from infrastructures such as the Tajo-Segura", given the situation of the river's deficit basin Safe.

The European wine sector meets in Jerez with an eye on Brexit and the reform of the CAP
The European Committee of Wine Companies (CEEV), entity that represents the EU wine sector and that counts among its members with 24 national organizations, the FEV in the case of Spain, has held its General Assembly today in Jerez. An appointment that has had the support of FEDEJEREZ and the Regulatory Council of the DO Jerez-Xérès-Sherry and that has served to analyze some of the priority issues for the future of European wineries, such as the Brexit or the future of the CAP.

IRTA will celebrate on July 18 a day of demonstration field of efficient fertilization in peach
The next 18th of July is celebrated in the Experimental Farm of IRTA located in Gimenells (Lleida), the Field Day demonstration of efficient fertilization in the cultivation of peach in collaboration with IRTA, the research institute of the Generalitat of Catalonia, attached to the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food.

Manitou imparts technical training to Vamasa-Mateco
Manitou is making a strong commitment to training for the specialization of its customers and dealers. Although Manitou has always offered this service to its dealers, nowadays requests for training from large customers have increased, which has led to the updating of this service to respond to the new needs of greater specialization in equipment. that are distributed and / or rented.

Kubota will invest 55 million euros in the new European R & D center for tractors
To continue with the growth of Kubota in Europe, the Kubota Corporation has announced that it will invest 55 million euros in a new R & D center in Europe. The new facilities will be located in Crépy-en-Valois, France and will be fully operational by 2020.

New Holland in Fercam 2018
New Holland was present for another year in this unmissable event that is the National Field Fair of Castilla-La Mancha (FERCAM), which this year exceeded 200 exhibitors and which passed, according to the organization, about 120,000 visitors.

INTERPORC closes the campaign in Spain of the ‘PORK LOVERS TOUR 2018’
" This was stated this morning in Madrid by the director of the Interprofessional of Porcino de Capa Blanca (INTERPORC), Alberto Herranz, at the presentation of the closing of the campaign in Spain of the 'PORK LOVERS TOUR 2018', the largest itinerant action of promotion carried out out in the Spanish meat sector.

Success of the Cucurbits Open Days of Sakata
Sakata Seed Ibérica has held from July 3 to 5 the first edition of the "Open Days Cucurbits" in the Region of Murcia, a few days in which the crops of melon, squash and watermelon have been the protagonists.

Asemesa focuses on defense of black olives
ASEMESA has concentrated in front of the Consulate of the USA in Seville in defense of the black olive in an act where they have participated the industry (envasadores, entamadores and exporters), agriculturalists, cooperatives and administrations.