Euronext Vigeo Eiris recognizes Smurfit Kappa as one of the 120 most sustainable companies in the world
Smurfit Kappa, leader in the paper and corrugated paper packaging sector, has been included for the sixth consecutive year in the Euronext Vigeo Eiris index, thanks to its commitment to sustainability and its Environmental, Social and Management performance (ESG). A ranking that brings together the 120 best positioned companies in terms of corporate social responsibility and submits to its sustainability programs an analysis of 330 indicators. Only those that offer solid evidence of their actions and obtain the highest scores in industry benchmarks are part of this list.

John Deere CommandPRO on all 6R Series tractors
The John Deere CommandPRO joystick is now available for all medium and small tractors of the 6R Series. These models will also include the new CommandCenter 4200 monitor, which offers all AEF * functions certified by the ISOBUS (Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation). Additionally, all 6R Series models of at least 130 CV will comply with the Phase V emission regulations.

The General Director of Community Agrarian Policy visits the Valle del Jerte Cooperatives Association
The new Director General of the CAP, Javier Gonzalo, was interested in the complicated situation of the sector in this campaign in a visit in which he toured the new expansion and improvements made in the facilities. He was accompanied by the Chief of the Agroindustrial Incentives Service, Jesús M. Pérez Durán, the Chief of the Agrarian Industrial Promotion Section, Rafael Ayllón Lomas, the president of the AC Valle del Jerte, Emilio Sánchez, and the Association's technicians.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries receives several representatives of the cerecero sector
Fernando Miranda, general secretary of Agriculture and Food, and the CEOs of ENESA and Productions and Markets, received the representatives of the cerecero sector yesterday to listen to their demands. The meeting was attended by several members of the Association of Cooperatives, headed by its president, Emilio Sanchez, as well as Ernesto Agundiez, president of the Commonwealth, and also were accompanied by the general director of Agriculture and Livestock of the Junta de Extremadura, Antonio Cabezas .

Cajamar and CASI team up to train the agricultural entrepreneurs of the future
The president of CASI, Miguel Vargas, and the vice president of Cajamar, José Luis Heredia, have closed a new call for the ADN Agro-Food Training Program, promoted by Cajamar and in which some thirty young members of the cooperative company have participated Almeria leader in the export of tomato.

NEW HOLLAND holds its annual meeting of after-sales managers and spare parts
There are already several years in which a large group of veteran managers belonging to the area of after-sales and spare parts of New Holland, carry out a meeting and travel to different countries in which New Holland is present, either with plants of manufacturing as offices and commercial offices. On this occasion the chosen place was our country.

ASEDAS analyzes the profile of the seasonal consumer
The supermarkets of the companies of ASEDAS, Spanish Association of Distributors, Supermarkets and Supermarkets, located in places of the Spanish coast and in tourist mountain areas can reach between 15 and 30 percent of the total of establishments according to the different brands. . Many of them are called "seasonal stores", which serve a large floating population concentrated in holiday seasons and with very specific needs for food and hygiene products.

Education, training and communication: keys to increase the necessary empowerment of agro-professional women
The II National Forum Agribusiness - Agro-Professional Women has been held this morning in Toledo under the motto 'equality is a task of all', with a huge success of affluence, and an undeniable social awareness in favor of equal opportunities and diversity in the agri-food sector.

Guayaquil prepares the VII International Mango Congress
The Ecuadorian mango will once again be the center of attention this August. Guayaquil will receive for the seventh time the best experts worldwide at the International Congress of Mango, an event that aims to present the latest technological advances in the production of fruit.

The mandarin Orri doubles its sales in the 2018 campaign with about 52,000 tons
The producers of the Orri mandarin protected variety have managed to market around 52,000 tons in the 2018 season. The results obtained in their third season after the voluntary regularization carried out by TEO, the master licensee of the variety in Spain and Portugal, represent a increase of 100% compared to the previous season (26,000 t) and place it one more year, as the variety of mandarin best quoted in the market, with an average price of approximately € 1.00 / Kg in the field.