Todolivo starts, with the harvest, the final evaluation phase of its genetic improvement test field
With the harvest of the trial field at the 'La Mata' farm, in the municipality of Villafranca de Córdoba, Todolivo has started the second and final evaluation phase of its Genetic Improvement Program. This is the most important test of its kind worldwide and one of the most significant that this company has launched. A project that was born with the aim of obtaining new varieties for Olivar en Seto that improve existing ones and that allow enriching and expanding the current organoleptic catalog, with new EVOOs of different flavors and aromas.

The EC calls for a more flexible, sustainable CAP with greater powers for the EE.MM
The European Commission calls for a more flexible, equitable and sustainable Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that guarantees the future of agriculture and food, as stated in a communication adopted on November 29th, which outlines the principles that go to allow this common EU policy, the oldest of all, to remain effective in the future.