The olive exporters, in a complicated situation, due to the high prices at origin
Opinion article in which Rafael Pico, director of the Spanish Association of the Industry and Exports of Olive Oil (Asoliva) assesses the situation of Spanish exports of olive oil for e-Comercio Agrario (ECA).

JCB sells its first Teleskid in Europe, proving its versatility in the agricultural sector
JCB has sold in Europe its first Teleskid, presented last March at the Conexpo exhibition in Las Vegas, where the potential of this machine for agricultural applications was realized. Thus, the versatility of the Teleskid 3TS-8W has been proven after being acquired by the British dairy producer WEJ & HJ Neville, from Matlock in Derbyshire.

Inlac initiates a campaign that promotes the consumption of three dairy products per day as the basis of a healthy diet
The Interprofessional Organization that encompasses the entire Spanish dairy sector, Inlac, has presented on 14th June a campaign aimed at improving the knowledge and perception of dairy products, whose consumption, despite being essential elements for a balanced diet, it does not at present reach the necessary amounts for a correct feeding. Through rigorous information, which bases its messages on the work of a Scientific Committee composed of experts of recognized prestige, this initiative seeks to promote among the Spanish population the intake of at least three dairy a day, and has the support the EU and MAPAMA.

Germany accounts for almost half of the contributions made to the public consultation on the CAP
Germany is the EU country most involved in the public consultation process on the CAP, which took place between 2th February and 2th May, with 47% of the almost 323,000 contributions. A fact that has been given to know about the recent trip organized by the Directorate General of Agriculture of the European Commission, with the aim of disseminating among European journalists of Member States the most important aspects of agricultural policy and the fruit and vegetable sector.

Case IH develops a special edition Puma CVX to commemorate its 175th anniversary
Case IH Agriculture has created a 175 anniversary version of the Puma 175 CVX tractor, which will be available in limited numbers to commemorate the 175 years since its founding. The anniversary edition also marks the 10-year production of the Puma line, the tractors range from 150 to 240 hp produced at the St Valentin factory in Austria.

Agri-food exports between Peru and the Netherlands will be certified electronically
The agri-food exports between Peru and the Netherlands will be certified electronically, after signing the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI), through the National Service of Agrarian Health (SENASA) an Operational Agreement for the Exchange of Electronic Certificates, with the Dutch Food Safety Authority (NVWA). Through this initiative, both countries hope to reduce costs and transaction times in exports and imports.

Spain will ask the EC for the advance of 70% of the CAP aid, as a measure to mitigate the effects of drought
Spain will request the European Commission to advance 70% of the payment of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) aid, so that the Autonomous Communities that so wish can pay them from October 16th, as has advanced the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, at the entrance of the Council of Ministers of Agriculture and Fisheries of the European Union, held on 12th June in Luxembourg.

Javier Seisdedos: “we bet on a tractor that suits the needs of the farmer”
E-Commerce Agrario took advantage of its presence in Demoagro 2017 to interview the general manager of Arbos in Iberia and Latin America, Javier Seisdedos, who revealed to us the objectives that the firm is marking in the agricultural machinery market.

Proexport launches the “Cultivate your imagination” contest to encourage schoolchildren to eat healthy
Proexport has organized the contest of inventions "Cultivate your imagination", aimed at promoting a healthy diet among children. This initiative is aimed at the 62,926 6 to 9 year olds from 423 schools participating in the Program for the Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables in the Schools of the Region of Murcia. "Cultivate your imagination", which has the collaboration of the prestigious Miba (Museum of Ideas and Inventions of Barcelona), aims to stimulate students to transform their ideas into real inventions that promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as their conservation, cultivation and distribution.

Grupo Projar surprises with its products of coconut fibers suitable for organic farming
The green sector company, Grupo Projar, has developed a line of coconut fiber products with certified ecological suitability, which contribute to improving soil for agricultural activities. This interesting innovation was made known by this company in the recent edition of the Fair Infoagro 2016, where it also presented as a novelty its range of pots and biodegradable trays, which allow to transplant without extracting the plant from its container.