Carbotecnia renews its collaboration with the University of Castilla-La Mancha in the program Sustertech4CH
Carbotecnia S.L. has renewed the collaboration it has been developing for more than 10 years with the University of Castilla-La Mancha, initiating a new biannual project of the state program of research, development and innovation oriented to the challenges of the Society, Sustertech4CH, under the title "Remediation Electrochemistry of soils and water polluted by organochlorines generated in industrial activities".

InLac agreement with the Xunta to promote the consumption of dairy products in a healthy diet
The Health Council of the Xunta de Galicia and the Milk Interprofessional (InLac) have signed a framework agreement to promote the consumption of milk and dairy products as basic elements of healthy eating and have expressed their concern about the decrease in ingestion Of these foods among the Galician population.

Peru: Deutz-Fahr and Orber Agrícola join forces to provide farmer with cutting edge technology
Peru: Deutz-Fahr and Orber Agrícola join forces to provide farmer with cutting edge agricultural technology

Internet, the perfect tool to strengthen exports in the agri-food sector
Knowing how to use a tool as powerful as the Internet to start a strategy of internationalization in cooperatives or agri-food industries has been the main starting point of the conference on "Digital Exports" held on 23th February in Tomelloso by Agro-food cooperatives Castilla- La Mancha, with the collaboration of Banco Santander.

Oleícola Jaén, Agroisa and GEA Iberia sign their support for Expoliva 2017
Expoliva has reinforced its brand image with the linking of three leading companies in the olive sector in the international field, initialed through a collaboration agreement. The collaborating firms are Oleícola Jaén, Agroisa and GEA Iberia.

The value of horticultural exports in 2016 exceeds for the first time 12,000M€
The value of Spanish exports of fresh fruit and vegetables in 2016 increased 5% compared to 2015, surpassing for the first time 12,000 million euros, according to data published this week by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and processed by FEPEX, for which this figure "shows the positive evolution of the sector". In contrast, the volume of exports of Spanish fresh fruit and vegetables fell by 2%, with a total of 12.5 million tonnes.

The high oleic production in January points to a delay of the campaign
The high olive production registered in the olive oil market bulletin, with data published on 31st January, which has recently been published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA), indicates the delay that has occurred in the harvest during this year, caused by the climatic conditions of the previous spring and summer. Due to this, we will have to wait to know the production of the next months to know the global number of this campaign.

New Holland presents its new range more secure and sustainable
The fair Tecnovid 2017, held in Zaragoza from 14th to 17th February, served as a framework for the presentation of the latest news of New Holland in its range of special machines and Grape harvesting.

The Huelva berries, diversification of production and markets
Alberto Garrocho, president of the Onubense Association of Producers and Exporters of Strawberry (FRESHUELVA), reflects on this opinion article, written for ECA, on the exporting vocation of the red fruit sector and its commitment to new markets and the diversification of Its production, providing forecasts of the current campaign.

Video of Siete Agromarketing with the highlight of “the Best AOVEs of D.O. Sierra de Segura 2016/17”
You already have at your disposal the video summary with the highlights of the Presentation of the Best Oils Extra Virgin Olive (AOVE) of the D.O. Sierra de Segura, corresponding to the 2016/17 campaign. An event held in Madrid, on December 14th, and organized in all its details by Siete Agromarketing, a communication and consulting agency at national and international level, with a long experience in the agri-food sector, and in which the Regulatory Council of this Denomination deposited its trust in awarding the coordination and start-up of this event.