Magrama rewards innovation and originality of rural female entrepreneurship
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, and the Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Union, Phil Hogan, have delivered at the headquarters of the Ministry, the Awards of Excellence for Innovation for Rural Women 2016 . in this seventh edition, the awards have been granted to eight women's projects in Andalusia, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla - La Mancha, Castilla y Leon, Navarra and Valencia.

Nitrofoska®solub fertilizer, ideal for fruit and vegetable and other intensive crops
The new range of products for fertigation of EuroChem Agro Iberia, Nitrofoska® solub allows full and balanced development of fruit, vegetables, citrus and other intensive crops, guaranteeing its water-soluble composition the efficient use of nutrients used in drip irrigation.

Manel Simon: “China is a great opportunity if you work with rigor and prudence”
The production of fresh fruit is one of the pillars for the internationalization of Catalan agri-food sector, whose autonomous region lies between the main producing areas of fresh fruit in Europe, holding fourth place in world production of pear and twentieth that of Apple. With Manel Simon, CEO of the Business Association of Fruit of Catalonia (Afrucat) we talk about issues that concern the future of the sector as the TTIP, exports to third countries or the potential of the Chinese market.

Dialogue of Commissioner Hogan and the Minister of Agriculture in European key with citizens
The Congress Palace Toledo will host on Friday, October 14th, a meeting between citizens and the European Commissioner for Agriculture, Phil Hogan, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment functions, Isabel García Tejerina, and the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development, Francisco Martínez Arroyo. An activity that will serve to initiate a dialogue face to face with representatives of institutions and citizens on issues of the European Union that really matter to them and that are relevant to their present and future.

García Tejerina extols the role of women as key for the future of rural areas
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, stressed the important role of women as key future for rural areas. On the occasion of her speech at the opening of the conference "Spain in women. Women in rural areas", organized by the ABC newspaper on the occasion of the International Day of Rural Women, García Tejerina has been worth the presence of women in the field, their ability to adapt to new circumstances and creativity.

Bayer presented the first two certifications of the new module Add-Onde FoodChainPartnership
Fruit Attraction has been the venue chosen by the multinational Bayer to present the first two certifications of the new Add-Onde FoodChainPartnership module, which have been collected internationally by the Spanish producers Grufesa, specializing in berries, and PrimorFruit (citrus and stone fruit ).

Kramp: A distribution center ’10’ for guaranteed delivery in 24 hours
Coinciding with his five-year career in Spain, the Kramp Group takes a significant step in their vocation of service as a "global provider of agricultural spare parts and products for the sector", recently inaugurating its distribution center number 10 in Algete (Madrid). Modern facilities that allow it to ensure deliveries to its suppliers and customers within 24 hours.

Record low for the last 10 years in the table olive harvest
The Association of Young Farmers (ASAJA) in Seville alert the national table olive harvest 2016/2017 will beat a record, but on the downside, as it will be the lowest in the last decade, due to the lack of rain and prolonged hot. In fact, due to the absence of table olive, many farmers have stopped collecting awaiting the olive fruit ripens, because although rumpled and low-caliber olives are not suitable for marketing as table olive, they can be used for oil production.

Cajamar delivers its distinction ‘DNA Agro’ to MAGRAMA, Garcia Azcarate and Ricard Camarena
Cajamar has delivered its 'DNA recognition Agro' to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA), the agronomist Tomas Garcia Azcarate and cook Ricard Camarena, in Fruit Attraction. This fair has also been the scene of the signing of cooperation agreements with the Business Association of Fruit of Catalonia (Afrucat), Protected Geographical Indication Poma de Girona, the Association for the Promotion of oranges Guadalquivir Valley and the Professional Association citrícola Palmanaranja.

Rabbit farms in Spain are halved
Professional agricultural organizations, Agro-food Cooperatives, the Sectorial Association of Rabbit, CUNIBER, the Association of Slaughterhouses, MADECUN and the three largest slaughterhouses in Spain have sounded the alarm about the serious economic situation and consumption by facing the rabbit sector, with a significant reduction in rabbit farms whose real figure would be about half of the data offered by the REGA.