EuroChem Agro Iberia expands its range of fertilizers for fertigation
EuroChem Agro Iberia has launched a new range of products for fertigation, Nitrofoska® solub. This new range of fertilizers for drip irrigation, with which the firm expands its portfolio, aims to provide a comprehensive solution in fertigation, without mixing different fertilizers.

Open new quota for removal of 500t of plums by the Russian veto
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) has approved a new quota for the removal of 500 tons of plums, within the exceptional measures against the Russian veto. This new extension is adopted after the first additional quota of 500 tonnes allocated last August 23th has been consumed.

A short campaign in stocks of must and wine
The 2015/2016 campaign ends with stocks of must and wine below the average of the last four seasons. Specifically, 30.5 million hectoliters, of which 29,16 million are wine and 1.34 million grape juice unconcentrated. This will facilitate the onset and course of the new campaign, while it shows the dynamism of the market, particularly as regards exports.

Latin America and the Caribbean are committed to organic farming
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) agglutinate 15% of the global organic area, with 6.8 million hectares under organic production. Currently, worldwide 43.7 million hectares certified for organic production are recognized, representing 1% of the land suitable for global production.

Spain, the European leader in industries that export pork to China
After a long negotiation process, which dates back to June 2015, China's health authorities have extended the authorization to export pigmeat, legs and hands to five new Spanish settlements. With this inclusion, the list of authorized Spanish industries expands to 26, making Spain the European country with the largest number of approved establishments, ahead of countries like Germany, Denmark and France.

Grew by 5.3% the value of fruit and vegetable exports in the first half of the year
The value of exports of fresh fruit and vegetables increased by 5.3% during the first half of 2016, a total of 7,101 million euros, despite the setback experienced in volume during the same period. Specifically, less than 3.21% (6,747,605 tons).

Innov-Agri reserves a space to producers affected by poor grain harvest
Innov-Agri, the largest european agricultural show in the field, is celebrated this year from 6th to 8th September in Outarville (France), in the Loiret region in central France and south of Paris. It is an area badly affected by rain in June, with significant declines, almost up to 50%, in the production of their crops, mainly cereals. For that reason, this event has as a new feature a special area of "Accompaniment" where farmers concerned may receive information about agricultural aid, regulation and even psychological support.