Europe Day
Each May 9 Europe Day is celebrated, a day to remember that on that same day in 1950 Robert Schuman, the then French Foreign Minister, laid the foundations of the European Union under two basic principles: peace and solidarity. Throughout all this week and having as peak on Saturday, May 9, many activities are held throughout Spain.

Green gold that knows no boundaries
At the gates of the XVIII Montoro Olive Fair, held from 11 to 14 May, there is no better example how culture gets behind the economic growth of an area, such as Córdoba (Spain). But the olive grove has ceased to be an emblem of the Mediterranean to spread widely around the world: 11 million hectares. Cropping systems located under irrigation hedgerow profitability extract fruit which then will be the most acclaimed by consumers oil.

Peru: irrigation catapults the productive muscle in fruit and vegetables
Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, Juan Manuel Benites said that Peru will soon become a potential world in fruits and vegetables under the completion of irrigation projects, as the third stage of Chavimochic. "Peru is become one of the top ten suppliers of food in the world, where our country stand out as an international power in the production of fruits and vegetables," he said during a working visit to the main centers of agricultural exports from this region North of the country.

Hams Iberian of Spain in Rome with Nadal
The benchmark of Spanish gastronomy will be present in the most important tennis tournament and with greater impact in Italy, with 400 accredited journalists and 400,000 spectators each year. Attendees will taste the best Iberian hams directly from the hands of a professional cutter.

New president for Fedefruta
The agricultural entrepreneur and business leader, Ramon Achurra Larrain, is the new president of the National Federation of Fruit Producers of Chile, Fedefruta, then the election process guild that chose its policy for the next two years, after finishing the period 2014 -2016 Carolus Brown headed by Juan Bauza.

MAC Fruit Attraction opens the door
Organized by IFEMA, Cesena Fiera and IFP, and with the participation of 59 companies, was held from 4 to 7 May in Cairo under FoodAfrica. They are two of the exhibition operators of the major producing countries exporting fruit and vegetables, Spain and Italy, create this new platform that will favor the positioning and international professional network of horticultural companies.

Spain: AICA, a stronghold of the food chain
Information Agency and Food Control (AICA) works to serve the whole sector to ensure compliance with the law of the food chain, a pioneer in the European Union standard and an example to follow by other Member States. Spain is a leader in Europe in regulation and monitoring of the food chain.

Leaked TTIP negotiations
The latest leaks on the opaque process of negotiations on the…

Mexico: FreshConnections among the protagonists of fruit and vegetables industry
Produce Marketing Association's (PMA) FreshConnections: Mexico will connect professionals around the world fruit and vegetable supply chain. Attendees can interact with other members of the industry and learn about the latest products at the Expo. The conference will provide information on key issues affecting Mexico and the global fruit and vegetable industry. The event will be held in Leon, Guanajuato on 11 and 12 May.

Spain: Cooperatives calls for improvements in the management tools of EU crisis
The European Commission took the first step for the adoption of a regulation to regulate the exceptional measures for fruit and vegetables from June 30 and for one year. These measures, which will give continuity to those in force today, respond to repeated requests from, oblivious to geopolitical tensions between the EU and Russia, but main victim, and the administrations of the major producing countries European fruit and vegetable sector.