Resilience of the Spanish marine environment, in detail
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment has presented the first report on the impact of climate change in the Spanish marine environment introduced by the Director General of the Spanish Office for Climate Change, Valvanera Ulargui, who stressed that the report "is intended provide a better understanding of our marine environment, especially rich and diverse, but vulnerable to climate change. "

Spain: The food industry, with great potential for developing
The food and beverage industry continues the process of internationalization. Exports 6% in 2015, a year in which growth was 3% increase. It is therefore the main industrial sector in Spain. Agriculture Minister has assessed positively the two years of implementation of the Strategic Framework Industry Food and Beverages.

Treecare strategy to combat red palm weevil
The Syngenta Lawn & Garden division introduced its Treecare to combat red palm weevil in collaboration with the Professional Association of Flowers, plants, horticultural technology and gardening Valencia (ASFPLANT) strategy in Valencia. Syngenta Lawn & Garden proposes a model for this pest management based on the principles of Integrated Management, which is based on the use of the active ingredient Emamectin via endoterapia applied by specialized companies. Numerous studies support the effectiveness and persistence of this powerful tool.

Training of specialists in Big Data Analytics
The Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) and Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar have signed a collaboration agreement with the aim to encourage the training of professionals capable of analyzing large volumes of data under the new paradigm analytics big data and can meet current demand and future of this new discipline.

Experts call for increased collaboration between doctors and veterinarians
Experts agree to call for greater collaboration between veterinarians and doctors with the aim of preventing the transmission of diseases of animal origin to humans. That´s the principal conclusion at the first Livestock Forum Networking Day, organised by Fira de Barcelona in conjunction with the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA) of the Catalan Government’s Department of Agriculture.

Bull meat: the value of sustainability
The Federation of Native Breed Lidia (FEDELIDIA), and the chef of Restaurant Coque Mario Sandoval, President of the Federation of Chefs and Confectioners (Facyre) and National Gastronomy Prize, presented the "Carne de Bravo project value sustainability "based on the claim of gastronomic, sustainable and nutritional values of this food.

EU: The beef cattle seeks to curb the crisis
The most representative European associations of beef cattle manifest the serious situation of crisis in the beef in some Member States of the EU and warn of possible degradation of the situation in the second half of 2016 unless the EU takes place decisive action to correct critical aspects of beef cattle stocks. They add that before this, the adoption of any multilateral trade agreement is totally suicidal and propose to Brussels a series of actions to avoid greater evils.

Over 2.200 million for the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy
Spain could have more than 2,200 million euros from the European…

Aragon promotes C’alial label
The Department of Rural Development and Sustainability of the Government of Aragón will launch a promotion plan C'alial label different actions mark with consumers, producers and trade professionals and hospitality.

A quality brand for garlic from Córdoba
The garlic sector from Campiña Sur, in Córdoba, has set a target of achieving a quality brand that differentiates and distinguishes their productions. Thus, during a meeting a few days ago with the Territorial Delegate of Agriculture of the Government of Andalusia, Francisco Zurera, their representatives agreed to start the process for requesting a quality brand that is applicable to this product, namely the Geographical Indication (PGI), which in Spain has only the purple garlic from Pedroñeras (Cuenca). At the meeting also participated Miguel Ruz, mayor of Montalban, a town that traditionally is being associated with its production of garlic, recognized for its high quality.