GIL: delivered sprayer drawn in FIMA
Julio Gil Águeda e Hijos during FIMA organized a raffle where all visitors and clients of the firm could enter to win a 1200 liter sprayer Aneto last. After the fair has delivered the equipment to the winner of the draw, which was Pedro Jesús Millan Pascual, professional farmer Noviercas (Soria) that, for those coincidences of fortune, had passed through the booth GIL to see its new range sprayers.

Cotton: The first step to defend common interests of the sector
Producers and ginners drive the creation of interprofessional cotton in Spain. Improve the product, adapt to demand and set a differentiated strategy promotion are the main objectives of the association. The sector remains assumes that advance quality, enhance the fiber and maintaining the value of cottonseed.

Spanish pig sector looks to export. Miguel Ángel Higuera
Spanish pig sector supporting an unprecedented crisis since the…

Spain: A dismal year without milk quotas
On the first anniversary of the removal of milk quotas balance is disastrous, according to COAG: prices ruin the farmer, mass closure of farms, industries that "negotiate" based on blackmail and those who are seated in the large centers of production collection routes abandoned while leading imports. In addition, the agricultural organization qualifies political leaders unable to resolve the situation.

Spanish agriculture: very consumed, little known
The Business Association for Plant Protection (AEPLA) has made the "I Survey Perception and image of Spanish Agriculture" in order to know what they think about this sector and its products and how are citizens of a country mostly urban like ours.

New nutrition labeling for berries of Huelva
Freshuelva and CaixaBank signed an agreement to promote a new nutrition labeling under new EU requirements in the field of berries. The project will be implemented by the Agricultural Industry Technology Center (Adesva).

Victor G. Sarabia Molina: “Peru brand can differentiate in versatility, safety and quality for fruits and vegetables”
Exports director of the Department of Agribusiness PROMPERÚ stopped at Fruit Logistica to attend the exclusive interview of e-Comercio Agrario. If there is a sector that has grown in export order is the niche of fruits and vegetables a distinguished international supplier low Peru brand for its versatility supply, product liability quality and differentiation.

TEN-energy: imagination to reduce huge irrigation costs
Spanish irrigators resort to creative ways to meet the superlatives electrical costs of its modern facilities. FENACORE calls on the authorities to promote the trans-European energy network, as a first step towards a common energy market in buying and selling energy.

Pedro Sanchez and his tailored suits for agriculture. Elisa Plumed
Since the elections last December 20th, Spain will not stop dancing…

How to turn an idea into a differential innovation and finance?
Technology Centre, with the collaboration of the CDTI, has organized the III Practical Workshop funding of R & D + i. The aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of the options of national and international funding for R + D + i financed by the CDTI. The third workshop, held on April 6, strengthens its practical nature and has four major developments.