Spain has three stronger cooperatives
Associative Entity Priority is the spearhead of the food industry. The AN Group is a strong, diversified and well-sized cooperative example, as Ovispain and DCOOP, the other two groups that are part of this official figure who drives a professionalized cooperative model with relevant to produce and market global dimension and therefore generate more value, employment and wealth.

Spain: Best EVOO of the season and have names
The oil that has received the most organoleptic score in the blind tasting has been presented by Finca La Torre, SLU, Bobadilla (Malaga), which has won the "Spain Food Award for Best Virgin Olive Oil Extra (EVOO) of campaign 2015 - 2016 ", awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA).

Mexico: All agreement on modernize rules on fisheries and aquaculture
Federal legislators from the various party factions, members of the Committee on Fisheries of the Chamber of Deputies, to meet with the authorities of CONAPESCA acknowledged their willingness to work with the Legislature and expressed their interest to modernize and adapt laws that support or promote development of the national fisheries.

Spain: persimmon crop details
Bayer has brought together more than 300 technicians, researchers, producers and farmers to discuss the future of persimmon cultivation in Spain, a country that almost tripling its production of persimmon in five years to reach 650,000 tons. 90% of Spanish persimmon is grown in Valencia.

Just as important it is to produce and communicate what is grown
Agriculture in the XXI century society is as necessary as unknown. It is the conclusion of the last general assembly and the press conference of the Business Association for Plant Protection (AEPLA). They are the consumer aware of the important role that agriculture plays in the production of fresh foods every day arrive at your table? This and other questions have led to AEPLA to launch the "I Perception Survey and Image Agriculture" conducted by the consulting Commends and now the results are made public.

“News of the CAP” for Agri-Food cooperative
The Conference on "New CAP 2016", organized by Agrifood Cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha, has focused on issues such as the single application, Basic Pay, helps Pillar, the incorporation of young and improving operations. Globalcaja, which has also been sponsoring the event, has shown its commitment to the agricultural world of the region in such an important issue for the community as is everything related to the CAP.

Latin America: Innovation and sustainability, economic centers for the development of agriculture
Under the IX International Forum on innovation for sustainable agriculture in Latin America, renowned speakers will talk about the economic challenges of the region and innovation as an essential way for development.

OECD consensus seeks to achieve a more productive and sustainable global food system
The aim of the Ministerial Meeting on Agriculture in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is to achieve a consensus among the ministers on the principles of agricultural policies to achieve a new policy paradigm for agriculture and feeding the world.

ENTEC solub product range expands
EuroChem Agro Iberia has extended the range ENTEC solub soluble fertilizers with nitrogen stabilized, with the inclusion of ENTEC solub 11 + 5 + 30. Solub ENTEC fertilizers inhibit the process of transformation of ammonia nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen (nitrification), ensuring their stay in the soil for a certain period.

Spain: The meat industry continues to party
The Spanish meat industry continues to grow abroad. In 2015, it exported 1.95 million tons worth 4,844 million euros worldwide. The sector accounts for 13% of industrial GDP of the country and more than 21% of the turnover and employment in the food industry. At the event, I have given the ANICE Awards in five categories: "Business Trajectory", "Friends of the Flesh," "Jose Flores Innovation", "Food and Health" and "Sustainability and Environment".