UPA explains why no one should receive more than 60,000 euros in aid from the CAP
The aid of the Common Agricultural Policy must have a fairer and more social distribution. With that premise, the organization of farmers and ranchers UPA has claimed that the future PAC establish a ceiling of aid for exploitation of 60,000 euros, a ceiling 60% lower than currently existing.
UPA believes that the support should be really directed to farmers and ranchers, focusing on those who are mainly engaged in agricultural activity as a way to “make a living”. That is, the so-called “genuine farmers”.
This organization also believes that the future CAP should apply a formula of decreasing payments, to reduce support to larger farms, giving a more redistributive approach to aid to give greater support to small and medium family farms.
“The agriculture and the livestock of familiar character is the one that more needs the helps”, they have explained. “It is the most sustainable model and the one that really needs public support to move forward, that is why it must establish that ceiling of aid.
A progressive ceiling that takes employment into account
UPA has also proposed a progressive ceiling for aid between 60 and 100,000 euros that takes into account the employment generated on the farm. “The objective must be that you do not miss a job in the field,” they said.
Measures such as the ceiling of aid for exploitation should serve, in the opinion of UPA, so that the CAP is “more just and more social”, laying the foundations of what this policy should be in the future of the European Union.