IICA and Finland promote the use of renewable energy among farmers in the Andean region
More than 12,000 rural men and women in the Andean region (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru) have replaced traditional energy use with renewable energy, thanks to the Energy and Environment Partnership with the Andean Region (AEA), developed by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland (MAEF).
The Energy and Environment Partnership with the Andean Region (AEA) program has financed 22 projects for the implementation of renewable energy solutions in four countries of the Andean region, with an investment of more than 3.5 million dollars
Communities, producer associations, as well as micro, small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the Andean region have benefited from renewable energy solutions such as hydroelectric micro-plants, efficient stoves, solar panels and biodigesters, aimed to agricultural, community and domestic productive activities.
In Bolivia, the quality of dry cacao grain has been improved during post-harvest, for the benefit of indigenous producers of northern tropical La Paz
Among other achievements sponsored by this program, which concluded in December of last year, it is worth mentioning the integral management of the organic matter of a pig farm in the Valle del Cauca, Colombia, for the production of biogas; the use of solar energy to improve the health and hygiene conditions of the school population of the Andean Paramo of Ecuador; or the provision of technical assistance services for the efficient use of solar energy in greenhouses in Cusco, Peru.
Therefore, the results achieved include access to energy, energy efficiency, climate sustainability, gender equity, reduction of inequalities and generation and dissemination of knowledge. The program website summarizes the experience of five years of joint work in providing sustainable energy services to rural populations living in poverty as a way to combat climate change.
Source: IICA