Fashion kicks off its national campaign by encouraging the consumption of watermelon all year
Watermelon Fashion started last week the national production campaign in the Poniente de Almería, with excellent expectations of demand for the product. The brand aims to lead the change of paradigm of watermelon consumption only associated with summer, taking into account that the availability of Watermelon Fashion in the market is eight months a year.
Encouraging The first National Fashion watermelons are already on the market. Specifically, Watermelon Fashion began last week with the cutting of its first fruits in the Poniente Almeria, which as a particularity, are grown in greenhouses and is the first area of Europe that puts watermelons on the market each season.
Joaquín Hidalgo, general coordinator of Grupo AGF, has shown his satisfaction for the good forecasts with which Sandía Fashion gives the starting signal to the national campaign. “We have more desire to eat watermelon when it is warmer and this activates sales, but we must also demystify the consumption of this fruit associated with summer, because in particular Watermelon Fashion has product almost eight months of the year. That’s why we want to lead the change in consumer mentality, encouraging you to enjoy all the flavor of Watermelon Fashion, not only in summer, but practically the entire year, as our consumers demand more and more. ”
Precisely in mid-February, the first Fashion watermelons from Senegal reached the shelves of the main markets. “This item is programmed as production of contraestation and the quality of production there is unbeatable. That’s why we opted for these latitudes, instead of other points in Central America. “
El corte de sandía Fashion en el Poniente de Almería se ha retrasado en torno a dos semanas, respecto al año pasado, con una bajada de la producción de este inicio de campaña motivada por las condiciones climatológicas adversas de viento y lluvias, que afectan a la polinización de las abejas. “No obstante, la producción prevista para la totalidad de campaña superará los 80 millones de kilos, lo que supone entre un 2 y un 3 % de incremento productivo”, expone el coordinador general de AGF.
La campaña en Senegal ha funcionado de manera excelente, muy por encima de campañas anteriores y bajo los mismos estándares de calidad y sabor saludable sin pepitas que caracterizan a Sandía Fashion.
A partir de mediados de junio, sandía Fashion comenzará a recolectar sus sandías al aire libre en el Levante de Almería, Sevilla y Murcia, continuando todo el litoral Mediterráneo, hasta culminar en la zona de La Mancha.