FAECA Granada is committed to the promotion and creation of an Interprofesional of green asparagus
Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de Granada has met with the territorial delegate of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development in Granada, Manuel García and the vice president of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament, Clara Aguilera, at the headquarters of the provincial Federation , to analyze the situation of asparagus cultivation and propose possible lines of action that support this strategic sector for the province of Granada.
The provincial Federation transfers these proposals to the territorial delegate of Agriculture in Granada and the vice president of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament.
The president of the Federation, Fulgencio Torres, along with the representative of the asparagus sector and president of the South Center cooperative, Antonio Francisco Zamora; the provincial director, Gustavo Ródenas and the technician of Fruits and Vegetables, Mª del Carmen Álvarez, transferred to both representatives the problems in the markets, as well as the need to undertake measures that defend the cultivation of asparagus in Granada, the first national producer in the They operate 13 agricultural cooperatives with 4,000 farmers, 6,500 hectares and 33,000 tons of production.
First, the provincial Federation has requested the launch of a promotional campaign to encourage the consumption of asparagus at the national level, a proposal that has been transferred by the representatives of the cooperatives to the Territorial Delegation of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development for its impulse with the support of said Ministry and the central Government. With excellent quality, Granada-style asparagus is internationally renowned for its flavor, nutritional and healthy properties. In addition, the asparagus of Huétor Tájar, of which the cooperative Centro Sur is the only producer, has recognition of Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), a seal of quality and origin valued by thousands of consumers throughout Europe.
Facing the markets, the provincial Federation advocates the creation of an Interprofesional of the Asparagus, which looks after the interests of producers and allows to undertake measures for the proper functioning of the food chain, transparency of markets, regulation of supply, improvement of the balance of the chain, promotion and crisis management in the markets, among other lines of action. Fruit and Vegetable Producers Organizations, recognized in the cooperatives of the sector, reinforce these actions with measures linked to quality and promotion.
For its part, the territorial delegate of Agriculture, Manuel García supported the initiative to promote the consumption of asparagus, action in which the Andalusian Government works. The MEP and vice president of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, Clara Aguilera, an expert in depth of this sector, agreed on the need to disseminate this product and encourage consumption, supporting the actions proposed by the Federation.
A select product
Asparagus cooperatives have positioned this product in the market with very good results. Quality, taste and food safety are valued by the main international distribution chains. At present, 80% of the Granada asparagus is exported to EU countries such as Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Sweden, Belgium, Norway and Portugal, among other markets. Promote national consumption is the challenge of the sector and the provincial Federation that will spread the excellence of this horticultural healthy, delicious and with great gastronomic versatility.