Europe: consumers prefer juices and nectars
The European Union forms one of the major global markets for juices and nectars and, within it, Germany, France, UK and Spain are hereby order the countries with the highest consumption of these products. Despite their geographical proximity and customs, each country has particular when consuming juices and nectars that differentiate them.
Germany is the largest market in the European Union with 2.405 million liters consumed in 2014, but also with the highest per capita consumption in the EU, 29.7 liters, according to data from the 2015 annual report of the European Fruit Juice Association (AIJN). Meanwhile, Spain is fourth largest consumer of juice in the EU, with a total of 968 million liters, and a per capita consumption of 20.8 liters, above the European average of 19.1 liters.
“This difference between the per capita consumption of different countries is that Spain has greater access to fresh fruit, allowing direct consumption or developing their own juices,” says Secretary General Asozumos, Alfonso Mena.
One of the major differences between Spain and some of its neighbors is the preference for nectar, which in our country account for 61% of the market; while juices account for the remaining 39%. This trend is opposite to that observed in Germany, where nectars account for only 31% of its market, and France with 20% and the UK with 16%.
Moreover, European consumers are more inclined towards the manufacturer’s mark, which in 2014 gained ground to private label with respect to the data of 2013. In Europe dominate the global market juices and nectars manufacturer’s brand, occupying 58% of it. Germany, UK and Spain fit this profile, however, the French market is still dominated by private label, which represents 65% of the total.
Preferred by European packaging are cardboard, which globally account for 62.8%, especially in the case of Spain, which reached 78.8%. However, German consumers prefer to break this trend and plastic containers in 51.4% of cases.
Orange is the favorite of European and represents 38% of the market volume flavor. The French and British are the most fond of this flavor with 48.8% and 60.2% respectively. As the second most consumed taste, Germans and British are inclined apple with 24.9% and 12.9% respectively, while the French prefer multifruit with 21.6%.
Spain is one of the most particular about the tastes and unlike their neighbors in their love of pineapple (19,6%) and peaches (18%), which rank second and third countries as preferred flavors Spanish.
Healthy and sustainable products
In the case of France, the consumer trends pass through healthy and organic products and by products for people with food intolerances. French habits have been altered as a result of the economic crisis and, therefore, look for products with better value. We also attach great importance to the most convenient formats, smaller containers that can be consumed outside the home, according to data collected by Euromonitor International in 2013 and 2014.
In Germany, consumers are concerned about buying local, organic and fair trade products from according to the Mintel agency. Thanks to globalization and residents of other countries, the German market begins to open to more exotic flavors, according to Euromonitor International.
British consumers also give much value to local purchases, as well as sustainability, preferring simpler products that use less packaging and waste generated, as reflected in data from Mintel. They also tend to focus increasingly on the value and the nutritional values of the products they buy. Moreover, private label is gaining popularity in this country, according to IGD agency.
Eco “and” bio “and red fruit juices” “In Spain smaller new market niches that are growing, especially in the juice sector is open,” said Alfonso Mena. According to the Report of the 2014 Food Consumption Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, the family model with increased consumption of juices and nectars it is formed by 3 or 4 members among whom are minors.
The quality of fruit juices is related to its ability to provide nutrients and bioactive compounds that promote health maintenance and avoid the onset of certain diseases, thanks to their antioxidant capacity.
Besides fruit juices are palatable and provide vitamins and minerals that improve the functioning of our body, they ensure optimal brain function and play a key role in building and maintaining bone.
Scientists trials in different epidemiological studies have demonstrated the relationship between diet and health and in particular, the beneficial effects of plant foods like fruit. For this reason, we strive to convey to consumers what are the health benefits of eating fruits and their juices from the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Juices in line with the recommendations of the World Health Organization,.
Source: Asozumos