AEPLA will continue with the improvement of the phytosanitary ware safety system
The Business Association for the Protection of Plants (AEPLA) held last Thursday its General Assembly, in which to improve the authorization system of plant protection, the defense of the production model based on the use of technology, communicate and raise awareness in society of the benefits of the phytosanitary products and analyze the role that the sector will play in the future of agriculture were the main topics that were addressed.
The challenges set for next year are to promote a strong and stable legislative and regulatory environment, defend and build strong and competitive agriculture, encourage good agricultural practices and raise public awareness of the benefits and safety of plant protection products.
With the report of the audit of the European Commission (EC) on the table, the association will continue working for the necessary changes and proposing improvements in the system of authorization of phytosanitary products.
Carlos Palomar, CEO of Aepla, took stock of the actions carried out during 2017 and anticipated the main lines of action for this year.
In addition, Palomar presented the vision of AEPLA on the system of authorization of phytosanitary, recognizing the progress of Spain in the efficiency of the procedures and demanding a coordinated action of our authorities. “It is necessary to elevate the merely administrative work to an authentic management of the health of the crops”, asserted the general director of AEPLA.
Also, in this Assembly a vote was held to appoint the new governing bodies of the same. Adonay Obando, CEO of Bayer CropScience will continue as president, and will be joined by Marc Odenthal of Adama Agriculture Spain and Silvia Cifre de Spanish Basf , as vice president and treasurer, respectively.
The main action of AEPLA for 2018 will be the development of the study “Spanish agriculture in 2030: keys to understand the present and future of the sector”.
The event was closed by Adonay Obando, president of Aepla, who recalled the strength of the agroindustry in Spain, which represents more than 10% of GDP and generates 2.3 million jobs. In his words: ‘With hunger there is no love. We play an essential role in the face of the challenge of feeding a population that increases every year. That is why we must defend ourselves and be proud of our work, “he concluded.
General Assembly AEPLA. Madrid