UPL presents its copper-based solutions for the olive grove
By Juan Herrera
Copper has been consolidated as a basic active ingredient in the control of olive diseases. Therefore, from UPL have developed a range of products that are adapted to the needs of farmers in the field of protection. In this sense, emphasizes Caldo Bordelés RSR Disperss®, a cupric fungicide with bacteriostatic action that is clear of the rest of copper salts.
The technical excellence of this product comes from the optimization of the manufacturing process, exclusive and patented by UPL, since all copper is in the form of Brocantita, the most active and stable copper molecular form
While the composition of a classical Bordeaux broth is a mixture of different copper salts with different behaviors on the crops, the Brocantita constitutes an autean source of reserve of bioavailable copper ions, which are released progressively and regularly, in quantity sufficient to be effective without causing toxicity.
In addition, a meticulous selection of the best co-formulants available in the market and their optimal control within the manufacturing process are the keys to the success of the Disperss® formulation, in which each Brocantita elementary particle is coated with the amount of co-formulants necessary for to provide maximum stability from dispersion in water. In turn, the Brocantita particles are concentrated into dry granules whose size has been selected in order to allow instantaneous self-dispersion even in low volumes of water. All this allows a greater safety of the user, due to the absence of dust, ease of use and for the material, homogenous distribution and optimization of mixtures with other products.
Solubility of copper
Efficacy, persistence and selectivity are decisive parameters that determine the overall quality of a cupric formulation. The goodness of these factors depends on the solubility of the bioavailable ionic copper (Cu2 +). The solubility of copper depends, in turn, on the cupric complex of the formulation and especially of pH on the plant surface, which tends to acidify by climatic and biological conditions.
In contrast to the other formulations, Bordelés RSR Disperss® continues to dissolve at the same prolonged and regular rate, translating into a greater persistence of protective action, greater efficiency and a lower risk of phytotoxicity
Together with this product, UPL presented at the 14th Symposium on Plant Health, held in Seville, Cuprofix 30 Disperss®, an ideal fungicide / bactericide for the olive.