The best tomato of the world will be promoted commercially in Fruit Logística
The Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) Tomate La Cañada will commercially promote the best tomato of the world (#elmejortomatedelmundo) in Fruit Logística, through companies such as Agroponiente, Biosabor, Casur, Parque Natural or Vegacañada, which will have their own stands in this important exhibition. At the same time, work will be carried out to visit clients and attract new ones.
In order to make the most of what is undoubtedly the largest concentration of companies and operators of fruit and vegetables of all kinds, the International Fruit Logistics Fair in Berlin, the Tomato la Cañada PGI Regulatory Council will be present at Fruit Logística, to give know and promote the best tomato of the world (#elmejortomatedelmundo), both through its companies and the visit of the commercial team to the main customers.
To this end, a strategy has been designed that focuses on two areas: on the one hand the promotion of its product in the stands of the companies that will have their own stand, such as Agroponiente, Biosabor, Casur, Parque Natural and Vegacañada, where will be offered product of the PGI, as well as promotional material; And on the other, the sending of a commercial delegation that will face two fundamental tasks: to promote Tomate La Cañada between new and potential customers and to hold evaluation and planning meetings with existing clients.
The PGI Tomate La Cañada will also carry out a major promotion of its different commercial types of tomato, from the round tomato to the roasted one, through the oblong or pear tomato and the cherry tomato
Two are the ‘differentiated facts’ of the PGI product Tomate La Cañada: on the one hand its special flavor, derived from the characteristics of its cultivation and the peculiarities of climatic, geographical and water and land conditions with which it develops; and the healthful properties for the organism that presents, due to its special concentrations of Lycopene and Vitamin C.
In the words of the president of the IGP Tomate La Cañada, Francisco López Martínez, “our product is good, undoubtedly the best; and therefore we can not miss a single opportunity to promote it at the highest level. That is why the PGI will be in Fruit Logística, both through its companies and by its commercial department. ”
The regulatory council of the PGI Tomate La Cañada is made up of Casur, Agroponiente, Coprohníjar, Costa de Níjar, Luis Andújar, Biosabor, Natural Park and Vegacañada. Its product, which is marketed under the brand name IGP Tomate La Cañada, is always grown in the areas of Vega del Río Andarax and Almeria, Campo de Níjar and Vega de Alhama, as well as the vicinity of the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park.
Source: IGP Regulatory Board Tomate La Cañada